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  1. K

    Voodoo Vap?

    So I got a Voodoo the other day, and It is quite nice, but when it comes to vaporizers, I dont really know too much... I was wondering... Anyone out there have Voodoo, or any other vap, if so, you wanna give me some tricks of the trade... and what to do with the herb that is left over...
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    this isn't really about growing, but I was wondering... I have a bag full of old stems that I've been keeping for quite some time now, and I was just wondering what uses, if any, a bag of stems has??
  3. K

    Normal? or what

    Sorry, I dont have any pictures right now, but I'll try to get some up later... But... my ladies are close to 4 weeks now in flowering... and a lot of the leaves are starting to turn yellow, and its throughout most of the plants, its not just at the bottom... is this normal or no??
  4. K

    kinda off topic, but...

    Does anyone know the episode of Family Guy where Peter and Louis smoke weed then go to a talent contest and think they did really well, but actually sucked??
  5. K

    How are they doin???

    Ok, so These ladies have been flowering for almost 3 weeks now, and I've been told it is completely normal for leaves to turn yellow during flowering since the plant uses the nitrogen it has stored up... but I just wanted to see what everyone thought of these
  6. K

    best grown, favorite to grow

    What strains of this wonderful plant does everyone like growing the best, and which ones has anyone had the best outcome with??
  7. K

    How do these look?

    These ladies are 2 weeks into flowering, and you can clearly see which one is my favorite, and the two with less white hairs both have yellowing bottom leaves, they all did, but when I up'ed their nitrogen in-take Angelina, as I call her, stopped yellowing but the others didn't... 100 HPS...
  8. K

    Still Yellowing

    Ok, 3 ladies, all in their second week of flowering, Some of the bottom leaves were turning yellow, so I up'ed their nitrogen intake and it fixed one of them, but 2 of them have leaves that are still turning yellow... Anyone think they may know why this is???
  9. K

    white hairs

    First off, out of the 5 original we ended up with 3 that had those glorious white hairs... But now, 1 of the 3, has soooooo many more white hairs than the other 2.. anyone know why that is?
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    does anyone have a picture of what a white widow plant looks like at the earliest stages you can tell it is one???
  11. K

    Yellowing leaves...

    The bottom sets of leaves keep turning yellow and dying... someone please help me out, why???
  12. K

    Anyone else have this issues???

    little spots began appearing on my lady... dont know why, anyone know why... sorry pic is blurry, camera isnt too good, but they are just yellow spots...
  13. K

    Weird spots???

    ok, this lady is a little over 3 weeks old, she is in the most organic soil I could get, using recommended flora nutes, and everything was looking good till today I noticed these spots... anyone know what these are from???
  14. K

    Off color spots??

    Ok, this lady is a bit over 3 weeks old Organic soil, Roco... somethin, but it was all organic 100 HPS light (all I could afford, going to get some cfl's to add for flowering) Using recommended Flora nutes Everything was looking good until all the sudden I noticed these spots...
  15. K


    I was just wondering about how long people usually flower for... I figured about 6 weeks or so... but mine right now are 3 weeks old... 3 ladies out of the 5 original, killed off the 2 males... and how long do most people usually veg for as well?? about a month right?
  16. K

    Light advice

    Right now I have a 100w HPS (all I could afford at the time) and money is still some what tight... but im gonna go to Walmart today and pick up some cfls, what do you guys suggest? How many?? what Watt?... I figured I would get as many 26w as I could... best thing to do?? or what? Plants are...
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    Is this a male

    Balls or not balls???, Pretty sure balls
  18. K

    Off color...

    Everything looks good, my babies are 3 weeks old, and I know at least 2 of them are females... all of the top leaves are growing wonderfully... the only problem is the very bottom leave set turned yellow, and almost looks like those leaves are dying, but none of the rest are, I dont...
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    what are the best ways to give your plant more nitrogen???
  20. K

    Hydro System

    My friend went out and acquired a General Hydroponic system... It looks like it should work out well, but I was wondering if anyone used one of these and how well they work, and... he has his plants growing in soil right now, when should he transplant them into the hydro system?? thanks people