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  1. B

    Thoughts on Swapping 2 x 600w for 1 x 1000w

    Ok so i was thinking of swapping my 2 x 600w hps lights for a 1000w i have lying around. the main reason for this is just to try and cut down on heat and save a lil money on electric. The hud on the lamp is pathetically small tho especially since its 1000w. To rememdy the poor spread of light...
  2. B

    Better Late than Never.

    So i know its abit late as im in 3rd week of bloom but iv been looking around at the way people are doing things and thought "fuck i gotta let people see how i do my shit" . So currently the setup is. 16 X afghan blues (supposedly) 2 X 600w hps lights (1000w to be added for last 2 weeks) 1...
  3. B

    G.E.T Umph Power

    Got 16 plants fed em the GET power to bloom yesterday, and iv got the umph power foilar spray also. I realy just want to now how much of this foilar spray i should be using on 16 plants. Its 4ml of umph per 1 ltr of water so should i use the full ltr on the 16?? half??? or just until they all...
  4. B

    humidifier or towel in bucket?

    Right so im growing blueberry and need to raise my humidity, now i have a humidifier that lets out the mist,l but someone suggested a towel and a bucket?? so what do i do just put a towel in a bucket of water and leave it in my grow room or do i keep takin the towel out and lettin it dry in...
  5. B

    too early for a + b????

    Started a crop of 18 blueberry last monday, currently got them under 1 600w hps light in 10ltr pots. Now theyv bin potted a week now and usually i would start usin my nutes no matter what but i usually grow santa maria and i know blueberry is a very tempermental plant. So 14 are looking good and...
  6. B

    Rly Rly Big predator eating spider mites

    Right so im around 3 weeks into flowering, was tieing my plants up and noticed dreaded spider mites, this is personally the first time iv had the problem, although my friends have had the problem a few times and have dealt with it unsuccesfully, at first inspection it didnt seem too bad only a...
  7. B

    swapping 3 600's for 3 400's hps

    iv got a space about 5ft by 7ft roughly 8 or 9 foot high, i currently grow 20 plants in this space with 3 600 watt hps lights , but im thinking of getting some new 400 watt lights, would this make a difference or would they be just as good because its a small space??? Cheers
  8. B

    can i re-use my soil?

    just as the title states, finished one crop last week , starting another tommorow but can i use the soil already in the pots if i break it all up and mix it again or am i best just gettin some fresh soil????????? Cheers
  9. B

    Cali Orange info needed

    got 4 days left on my santa maria and the only babies i can get is cali orange, never tried or know anyone who has tried growing this strain, just want general details on average yeild on a 2-3 week veg 9 week flower, and any special needs thanks
  10. B

    11 days left till harvest advice please

    im using 50ml each of canna coco a and b , 10 ml of canna pk 13/14 and 10ml of canna accelorater boost to every 10 litres of water, im open to suggestions to increase decrease nutes, and the scale of which to increase or decrease,this is my first grow will add pics at the end of the 11 days thanks
  11. B

    will 40w bulb affect my plants?

    finding it hard to get home in time to feed my babies bout 3 weeks from harvest now and i dont wanna change the timer becuase of police and the neighbours, but the room im growing in has a 40w light bulb, so if i use that for light after my 3 600watt hps's have gone out so i can feed them , will...
  12. B

    feed or not feed?(quick response needed)

    run out of coco a and coco canna b , only bout 3 weeks left on my grow, some of the plants will definitely be ok for another day without feed, but should i feed the driest ones with a lil of the good old h2o, the reason im undecided is because i dont know whther just plain water for one day and...
  13. B

    plants got too heavy, nearly snapped!!!

    got 20 santa growing, 5 at the back have now bent over near enough completely and have been like this for 2 days, im going to tie them all up now as its the bank holidays and i now have time, i must stress the stems have not snapped just bent over vertically, will this have caused any lasting...
  14. B

    Max length i can grow before harvest?

    currently growing some santa maria indoors with 3 600watt hps lights im about 9 to 10 weeks in alls goin well, just wondered whats the max length of time i can grow for before the buds stop growing? ill add a fw pics on thursday
  15. B

    Should i use molasses or pk 13/14 or both?

    iv heard people talk about treacle stuff called molasses that swells your buds up real nice, im currently about 2 weeks into flowering and all seems to be goin ok, just wondering whether i can use the molasses in conjunction with a booster iv already used (pk 13/14) or whether i should just...
  16. B

    My buds arent impressing (pics)

    theyv bin flowering bout 2 weeks now but the buds just aint impressing me, had someone i know come over who knows quite abit and he says they aint as big as they should be, any ideas on how to improve them, currently havnt got a fan bringing fresh air in only a carbon filter taking air out and a...
  17. B

    Co2 emitter

    will adding a Co2 emitter or 2 to my crop actually effect the quality that much? not that my crop looks poor , just wondering for next time, and anyne know of a general proce for one cheers
  18. B

    Lack of space, advice pls

    Got 20 santa maria in space about 7ft by 5ft, runnin 3 hps 600's, 5 weeks in now lights on 12/12, my mates got exactly the same setup as me but has about 2ft more space either side, his plants are now out growing mine, i know more space equals bigger plants but im just looking for general tips...
  19. B

    To Cut or Not to cut

    im on my first grow, im about 5 to 6 weeks in and my plants are budding nicely, the thing is im unsure what to do about the useless leaves that are growing, im getting some nice buds lower down but im wondering whether to cut a few leaves here and there to maximise their light intake, is this a...
  20. B

    Leaves Curling

    Quick info, growing 20 santa maria , in a space bout 5ft by 7ft , started growing from babies, not from seeds, currently using 2 hps 400's i think, got a rather large extrator couple of fans for ventilation, using bout 10 inch wide pots , that are about 10 inch deep, im about 3 weeks into the...