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  1. highgrl85

    question about a drug test

    hi my husband has to go to a dui evaluation in 30 days and he's a heavy smoker he smokes after he comes home from work to relax. well it's just a dui case not a drug case will they still urine test him for weed? if so he has been off of weed for like 3 days i think how long will it take for him...
  2. highgrl85

    update on my first grow

    hi just wanted to let everyone know how my first grow is doing. and what should i do with all the little bitty leaves on the bottom do they suppost to just grow like the big leaves
  3. highgrl85

    little flying bugs

    hi all i was wondering i was going to put up fly strips to hang so those flying bugs would go on it because there are like 4 or 5 in my grow closet i killed 3 so far but they keep on coming back. this is my first grow. and i don't want to have my plant die. also what is the name of the sticky...
  4. highgrl85

    curling leaves

    hi i'm new at growing and i think i'm over watering my plant. and i have no fan in my closet so is that also the reason y it's curling and kinda wilting sorry if i spelled that wrong. anyways i have it in my closet and have 2 cfls for the veg stage then when it's the flower stage i will have...
  5. highgrl85

    when to transfer plants from cup to bucket

    my plant is 3in from stem to leafs when do you know to take them out of the solo cup to a 5gal bucket? this is my first grow and i'm growing in my closet i will post pics when i get my camera working. if you need to know more just ask. oh and i watered the plant on the 1st i pick the cup up and...
  6. highgrl85

    jiffy pellet to soil

    how do you transfer a jiffy pellet to soil? i have had a skunk strain germinating in a jiffy pellet and it has roots and almost growing out of the pellet so that means it's ready to be in reg. soil well i was going to either put it in a sup or a pot. what do you all think? and also the leafs are...
  7. highgrl85

    taking meds and smoke

    hi all i have a question i take blood pressure meds and itching meds ( i break out in hives for no reason) and also i take ADD pills well it's like $22 for all those and i wonder i can get a bag for $25 and that last a hold 2 weeks and every 2 weeks me and my hubby gets more so i wonder if i...
  8. highgrl85

    how to fix a spring in your dugout

    hi i have a dugout that looks like a ibuprofen bottle and the spring broke when you open it the bat don't pop out. how can i fix this problem?
  9. highgrl85

    first thing to buy for a grow room?

    i want to start buying things for my grow room. my closet is 34in across and 62in from up and down. it's just a small section of the closet but anyways that's where i'm going to be growing. i would like to start buying things for it not everything all at once. so what would be the first thing to...
  10. highgrl85

    name that strain smell

    i got some new weed today and it smells like vicks vapor rub ya that strong well what is the name of this weed
  11. highgrl85

    mother plant and cloning

    i was wondering if you cut a mother plant cause i'll probley only have one plant to start out with cause i'm new at growing. anyways if i cut a clone from her will she die? also when is the best time to cut from her to make clones?
  12. highgrl85

    Closet Grow Room

    i am doing a cfl closet grow room with locks on my closet door but i wanted to do a rubbermaid grow box cause it's stealth. but i don't think i'll have enought room on the sides. i want big buds my wish is to have over a oz on my first plant. how can i do that with a closet grow room it's a walk...
  13. highgrl85

    Rubbermaid Grow Box

    hi all i am wanting to make a rubbermaid grow box in my closet. but i'm afraid when its time for them to flower the grow box won't be wide enough. my question is all the people who did rubbermaid grow box how many plants did you be able to get in your rubbermaid and how wide do they grow? i want...
  14. highgrl85

    Closet Grow hps Light Question??

    ok i am going to grow my first cannabis plant in my closet and i know i want hps first for the vegging and the mh for the flowering but i need to know how much wattage i need for the vegging i know if you put your hand under the bulb and it don't burn your hand its the perfect hight for the...
  15. highgrl85

    Great Soil For Indoor Closet Grow

    i am going to do a rubbermaid growbox and i called every nursery by my house and nobody has fox farm or the ocean one. i don't know what other soil i can get that don't have bugs in them. i would like to know also what good fertilizer i need too. i have a lowes,walmart,home depot, and some other...
  16. highgrl85

    how to get medical cannabis

    Hi i was wondering how i can get a card. i live in illinois and we don't have medical cannabis i think missouri does but in springfield,il there is a place where you can buy weed and has with the card. so how can i do it? i got asthma,adhd,cronic pain,insomia,and one more but i can't think about...
  17. highgrl85

    hi i'm from illinois

    what's up everyone just wanted to stop by and say hi i'm still a newbie
  18. highgrl85

    how to get the word stranger off

    hi all the time i see the word stranger on my profile i did a profile pic and well everything you do to edit your profile and it's still there what should i do to get if off there :joint::peace:
  19. highgrl85

    how to build a grow box in a closet

    hi i'm a newby and want to make or use cardboard box for a grow box my little seeds are in the germ. stage and there about ready to be in there new home but i have to get a home for them. my closet is pretty big. i was thinking about useing cardboard box and cut a hole for the fan and my...