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  1. A

    serious feed back only!

    My mother only had three children, three and my two youngest brother who is 17 just told me and only me that he just found out he knocked up his girlfriend. as the oldest brother, 23, and none of us sons have any should i react to this, i want to get on his...
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    almost done?

    Is my plant almost done?
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    uses for male?

    other than just trashing can i make hemp oil, or hash or whatever with it?:-P
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    need help..drying and curing in central florida

    if you grow MJ in central florida or have grown in central long should i dry my bud out? my plant wont be ready for another month..but id just like to know ahead of time. i want my MJ to smell like dank, not grass. worried bout humidity and all that shit.:peace:
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    how many weeks till harvest??***

    I live in central florida, i got a female thats been growin since about august.....its about a month into flowering. i know its a little late in the season, but it is what it is. how many weeks till i can harvest do you think? its about a week into crystalising. and i know here in central...