Search results

  1. achiever420

    High CBD

    Is anyone here working with high CBD strains. I have seen Harlequin at a couple of the clubs around town but it doesn't seem like anyone is supplying these strains on a consistent basis. I haven't seen any at the markets or any of the official dispensaries either.
  2. achiever420

    AMMA Upheld

    Looks like its full speed ahead for the dispensaries.
  3. achiever420


    Anyone have an opinion on the legality of the clubs around town? I have a friend who was offered a "budtender" positon at one. I advised against it as I believe that they are at best operating in a gray area and at worst out right illegal. I don't trust the powers to be in this state and I...
  4. achiever420


    Does anyone have an opinion on or experience with a G-Pen? I have read several reviews which seem to be fairly mixerd. I am going on a trip soon and concentrates are going to be the easiest way to travel so I am considering buying one. Also if anyone knows of any shops in the valley were I...
  5. achiever420

    Reservation Land/Indian Land

    I am planning a trip which will take me through the reservation during part of it and was doing some research and found this unfortunate information. I thought I would pass it along. The scary thing about this is that I don't think most people realize they are on Indian Land when there driving...
  6. achiever420

    Qualifying for a Card

    I have suffered from lower back pain and back spasms for close to 9 months now. I saw my PCP back in September of last year and she prescribed muscle relaxers (flexeril) and anti inflammatory meds. I still suffer from the spasms and pain. I can rarely sleep through the night without waking...