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  1. J

    Is my plant flowering?

    My dad has one plant in the backyard just to grow as a hobby. I want him to grow it as big as he can. I cannot tell if it is starting to flower or not. The sun rises a bit before 6am and sets at about 8:30pm. It is a small backyard. The house and trees block some light when the sun sets and...
  2. J

    Covering the scent of weed from drug dogs?

    is it possible to cover the scent of weed in a bag from drug dogs? I know someone who swears by "Blue magic condition hair dress" to throw off the dog's scent. I've also heard that if you vacuum seal it twice a dog would not be able to smell it if the weed was in the vacuum seal for less than a...
  3. J

    Flushing question

    I've given my garden 2 solid flushes and am doing my third flush tonight with 100 gallons. Due to time constraints I was going to cut my plants tomorrow and hang them to dry. Is this okay to do? Will it have any impact on the plant, will the flush even be worth it?
  4. J

    Anyone use the product EZ Wet soil penetrant?

    If so have you had any problems with too much application rate?
  5. J

    Anyone use the organic nutrient line "Nectar for the Gods"?

    If so have you had any problems with deficiencies? My past 3 runs with this line I've had a defiency that starts at about 5 weeks into is the most frustrating this. The guys at the hydro shop always tell me when in doubt, flush with herculean harvest(liquid bonemeal) and it just...
  6. J

    What deficiency is this?

    I'm at 5 and a half weeks into flower and my plants are starting to show deficiencies. This has happened my past 2 runs and it is the most frustrating thing. I'm using this organic nutrient line called Nectar of the Gods. Temps and humidity have been nice. 67-80F, 40-55% humidity. Lights are 24"...
  7. J

    HELP! Hermaphroditing plants! Seedpods!

    I have some outdoor plants and a couple are starting to produce seed pods. I heard there was a product out there that I can use to stop them from producing the seeds. These plants were kinda fucked up from the beginning...They went into flower early back in late may/early june and we had to...
  8. J

    What is this? nutrient lockout? heat stress? too high humidity?

    Strain: Candyland(9 week strain) week 5 of flower temperature has usual been between 68-81, usually a little under 80. I feed them an all organic nutrient line with an additional nutrient that I believe is partially synthetic because is says "naturally derived" and no 100% or all organic. Its...
  9. J

    How do you protect your garden?

    Besides sleeping in the garden with a shotgun and dogs, what kind of security measures to you take to ensure the safety of your crop? I've heard of those trip lines that set off alarms or trip lines that shoot a shotgun shell off into the sky. I'm thinking of getting some night vision/IR...
  10. J

    Lady Bugs or Pray Mantis? which do you prefer?

    This year is my first outdoor grow and I need some soldiers to help prevent anything. I'm trying to decide to get 1500 lady bugs or 200-300 pray mantises. I would get both, but pray mantises eat everything including ladybugs so i've heard. Which do you prefer and why?
  11. J

    How to treat/prevent these problems?

    First time doing an outdoor grow and I hear caterpillars is a big problem where my land is. How do you prevent/treat caterpillars? also how to you treat/prevent mold/mildew? What do you do to protect or help your plants when it rains?
  12. J

    Good books for growing outdoor

    I was being mentored by an outdoor grower on a grow and my mentor went MIA. Now I have to take over the show and finish through. I've never done an outdoor grow before, only a couple indoor grows. Any books you recommend or any tips as well would be much appreciated. My main concerns are...
  13. J

    Pollen sacks on some plants-What do I do?

    So my plants are 4 weeks into flower(they're 9 week strains). I have 28 plants and 3 are platinum purps, which are the ones showing pollen sacks. Should I take them out? Try to find all the pollen sacks and cut them off and leave them in or what? I don't want to risk the integrity of the rest of...
  14. J

    Outdoor plants, early flowering...transitioning back to veg

    My partners and I have some outdoor plants that started to flower a week ago. We've since been foliar feeding them with nitrogen, trying to revert them back to veg and the light cycle has been good now. I'm really worried about them. I've heard mixed things. Some say 2-4 weeks they're revert...
  15. J

    Veg Plants showing some symptoms again, HELP!

    My veggies are showing some symptoms. They are under 2 600W HPS(at 75% power) along with 2 90W LEDs and a 135W LED. I have them on an 18/6 light cycle right now. Because of heat issues, the LEDs turn on at 6pm and off at 12pm, while the HPS turns on at 9pm and off at 11am). I'm thinking I might...
  16. J

    Anyone have book recommendations for plant problems?

    I'm looking for a book that has LOTS of pictures of deficiencies, bug problems, and all that. I have a garden saver book, but it only has like 1 or 2 pics of each problem and it is really hard to identify my problems with the book. I'm wondering if anyone has had any experience with a grow book...
  17. J

    HELP! My babies, what's wrong with them?!?!?

    My temps have been 70-83, humidity has been low :( like 25-35%. I foliar sprayed them a week ago and they didn't take well to it, I think I oversprayed them. The one that is really fucked up was my a fan, so I thought windburn, but then I moved it away from the fan and its still just getting...
  18. J

    Possible wind burn? How do I snap my plant out of it?

    One of my clones is really fucked up compared to the rest. It was right by a fan I had blowing on it, so I'm assuming it's wind burn. I have since moved the fan away from it. Also I've been foliar feeding them every other day, but this one plant in particular just looks like shit compared to the...
  19. J

    What's wrong with my plants?

    My plants are 6 and a half weeks into flower and are showing some symptoms, possibly overfeeding or cal/mag deficiency? The leaves in the pictures are crispy dry. Temps have been 68-82, humidity 35-50%. What do you think?
  20. J

    Plants showing some symptoms, What can it be?

    My plants are 4 and a half weeks into flower. The temps lately inside it have range from 60-81. When it's 60 degrees, it isn't that for very long because my dehumidifier turns on and warms up the tent(after my lights turn off there is a little delay for the dehumidifier to turn on, so it drops...