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    SCROG question

    iv looked around, but couldnt find the info i wanted. how far from the soil should the scrog screen be? im trying my first scrog, but trying something i havent seen done before, i will post pics if it works out. might take a few weeks.
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    I made a nice batch of butter last night, but whats the best application? This is the first time I've made it. i was thinking peanut butter cookies? also I made this last night too :P
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    G 13 Pineapple Express, Problems?

    I was just wondering if anyone has germed G13's Pineapple express feminised? out of my 5 pack only 3 popped and one of the 3 looks iffy at best. Im not saying it cant be my fault, but i have had success in the past with seeds, and was kinda troubled by this outcome.worst come to worst, i can...
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    I've read all the benefits and how to use, but what I haven't found is info on the type of molasses. sugar cane, sugar beat, blackstrap? what do people use and what is best?
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    cutting fan leaves. yes or no?

    So I'm 3 weeks into flower(latest pics in my signature thread), and I've only heard a little here and there about cutting fan leaves. I've heard that you should cut 2 fan leaves a week, no more, and this might help with yield. Can anyone elaborate or offer opinions? I'm trying to decide if I...
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    is this male?

    my 2 other plants are definitely female, so I'm a bit on edge about this going going male. Its a master kush plant about 1 week into flower. I've heard these take a while to show so i might be paranoid. Anyone with experience feel free to help out.
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    Should I start flowering?

    Moving this from indoor to general, hoping for an answer. this is my first grow, details can be found here but here's the question, my plants are showing sex, 2/3 are anyways Super Skunk White Widow and this is...
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    Should I start flowering?

    moved thread to please close or remove
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    my first grow

    my first thread and my first grow, feel free to give pointers or advice. grow tent, 90 watt LED grow light and 2 42 watt CFL's, coco for soil, feeding nutes a friend threw my way, home made Co2 dispenser (yeast and sugar with an airlock on top), and a home made active carbon filter (top right...