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  1. ch3mical420

    Too pick or not to pick?

    Hey guys just curious what yous think about harvestin she ready.i have others that hve just started that is not growing will upload pics of a those later for now what about this girl? Appreciate the help peepz.toke on
  2. ch3mical420

    Is this a hermie?? Confusion!!

    Hey guys posted some updated pics. Curious if this a hermie or female? Because other plant has started budding. Its even been about a week now and i dnt see buds on a this bushy plant!!! Can someone help me please im paranoid and confused. They are right beside each other. Thanks!
  3. ch3mical420

    Help Identifying Sex!

    Hey guys and galz, having problems identifying a plant? as one has already started budding.. this one is still preflower and Im not sure if its male or female,maybe hermie... I also think this plant might have been popped later than the blooming one. please help guys! Got some night time...
  4. ch3mical420

    help identifying

    Hey guys, was just wondering if anyone can help me with identifying one baby, one has started budding but not sure what the other is doin? Help is much appreciated. Thanks
  5. ch3mical420

    lack of nutrients or little over? (please help)

    My seedling is showing signs of yellowing? Not sure if its under fed. Im using a quarter strength of an A solution in dwc bucket. Should it be half strength? Would this be my problem, plz help
  6. ch3mical420

    transplating to dwc, nutes questions?

    Hey guys transplanting two of these babes in a dwc bucket, was just wondering how strong should the A solution be on babies this size they are a few weeks old too. Should the A solution be quarter strength or would yous say half?? Thanks helps much appreciated! Peace
  7. ch3mical420

    unknown screen size! (please help) how many microns?

    Hey guys been having trouble tracking down some silk screens from the craftshop lately all out of stock,came across a few screens at home,thing is i have No idea how to tell in the different micron sizes! Have taken a few shots hoping someone might be able to help me!! thanks helps is always...
  8. ch3mical420

    Help identifying problem?? Bud problem

    Hey guys jst a noob here,was checking up today nd noticed a dark spot one of my buds.not sure what it was parrasite.bud rott.loomed like rot to me bud im no pro. So like i said noticed it and chopped that colar off. Heres a there anything that could prevent this.or any info on it what so...
  9. ch3mical420

    harvesting questions "THC content,how long?" (thc %)

    Hey guys peacful noob here,just curious how yous think these are looking and if they are ready to pull? are they ok to pull? Also how long till it produces high thc content etc,when will she degrade? how do i tell when the strain has its limits,ive noticed leaves slowly dying. could that cause...
  10. ch3mical420 long for certain thc % (when to harvest?)

    Hey guys just wondering how shes looking and how hight the thc content would be she fully ready to pull? Thanks. Theres a few pics of a bit just picked just letting yous know.
  11. ch3mical420

    How long does she have left?

    Hey guys only starting out,got these shots from a few days ago,just wondering how long is left,when is ok time to pull? when does it have the highest thc content etc?? and does the thc start to degrade from the plant? thanks,help is much appreciated!! Will try to get some updated photos asap!
  12. ch3mical420

    curious about density and growth

    Hey guys,been going with dwc and decided to try an outdoor grow, havent been feeding to much, advanced mixture of nutrients actually once or twice a week was not really keeping track! well these are in the ground so im not sure how much to feed etc and the density of the buds dnt look too...
  13. ch3mical420

    Is she full ready?

    Hey guys this was just an experiment with LED and cfl. dumped her outside the otherday when noticed orange hairs. Just wondering when is the best to harvest for a stone like like high and not an uplifting high. Thanks much appreciated
  14. ch3mical420

    Help identifying sex.

    Hey just wondering if anyone could tell me the sex of this plant? The hairs i see seem different than another female i have. Thanks
  15. ch3mical420

    Please help whats wrong with my baby??

    Hey guys checked up on one of my babies yesterday and noticed her all droopy and curling under. Please help. Ph is around 5.5 was slightly off when notced her drooping. Was around 5.7 5.8
  16. ch3mical420

    Please help.! Drooping and curling under!

    Hey guys one of my babies are showing weird signs,drooping since yesterday.and curling under.... ph was slightly off yesterday 5.7 before rendering back to 5.5 Running a bubbleponic system. Temps were reaching round 29 - 30 oC would someone please be able to help? here are a fee pics. Thanks..!
  17. ch3mical420

    Sex identification? (Little info for a noob)

    Hey guys. Posted the other day askinv for some info on sex and veg state.was told to take more pics as the others were blurry or something etc. So here are some updated pics.just curious if she has started to flower because i hve yet noticed smell changes and stickyneas.along side other growth...
  18. ch3mical420

    Help identifying sex?

    Hey guys just wondering how shes looking? Im pretty sure i seen hairs but i have been what do yous say the sex of this baby is?? Also its been a slow as hell growing plant as a brought back to life..just wondering if its still vegging or not and should i start to my hit her with some...
  19. ch3mical420

    Just wondering hows these are looking! "Sex identification"

    Hey guys just wondering how yous think these are going? and what light cycle should they be on. Also sex identification and how long till start flowering? Thanks helps always appreciated!
  20. ch3mical420

    Help identifying & a little info please...

    Hey guys.just wondering whether this is male or female and if shes showing any signs of flowering?? Im nt quote sure and think it is. Thanks.