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  1. socalkushgenetics


    whats everyones take on smartpots, im thinking about switching over
  2. socalkushgenetics

    Bat GuanO

    How much should I mix with my soil? I use organic
  3. socalkushgenetics

    Nutrients in an hydro system

    ebb n flow system. Switched over to a three part General Hydro nutrient and noticed a way better difference. Was using foxfarm before and noticed algea, maybe watering to much. anyone have a take on foxfarm vs g.h? btw, this was used in rockwool with coco
  4. socalkushgenetics

    NOOB to this specific site. FAN LEAVES?

    Wanted to see everyones take on plucking fan leaves two weeks before harvest. Good idea or one for MythBusters?!
  5. socalkushgenetics

    Whats up RollitUp!

    Sup everyone! Im new to this specific site and have been on other forums, but none seems to have as many people on it than rollitup. glad to be apart of this here community! very informative people on here it seems. cheers!
  6. socalkushgenetics

    Fluffy Flowering

    Got a problem with my flowering buds. Cant seem to figure out how to make my flowers more dense. keepin my room at a consistent 77-82 degree sealed atmosphere. im not running co2 right now. any suggestions?
  7. socalkushgenetics

    Powdery Mildew on leaves

    Question for anyone who can answer. Is the build up of powdery mildew on my leaves due to high humidity in my room ( i am bringing in fresh air)? how do i 86 this mildew?
  8. socalkushgenetics

    IONIC grow/bloom/pk

    Sup everyone, new to this specific site, glad to be on. Was wondering if you guys can help me out on a few topics. this specific one is about Ionic grow. On the box it says how much to use but im not seeing how OFTEN to use. anyone have any experience with this product. any help would be great...
  9. socalkushgenetics

    GH 3 part in coco?

    Has anyone used general hydoponics 3 part in Coco medium?
  10. socalkushgenetics

    First time grower

    Any suggestions on which nutes are the best to use on my plants? Thinking about using house and garden? Thoughts?