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  1. THENUMBER1022

    Girls i Need your Help

    so I've had sex a few hundred times. I'm only 22 and have had 25+ partners. Ever since the first time its been smooth happy sailing. I've been a manwhore and fucked 5 girls in one day, had friends girlfriends begging for / getting my dick. Some of them, love at first sight, wouldn't shut up...
  2. THENUMBER1022

    A question for society - is this bitch too young?

    Aside from smoking every day for the last 10 or so years, I don't like to break the law. Okay I like to maintain a steady 145 mph on the highway but aside from that... I was raised in a 'normal' household I guess you could say. No divorce or traumatizing incident to relate back to. Normal...
  3. THENUMBER1022

    I Just Had Sex

    with a gtr... bongsmilie Shouldn't of been recording but I was pretty baked. good excuse, right?
  4. THENUMBER1022

    Have a Merry 'Theres No God' Day! thought this was pretty lame, then I couldn't help but laugh. It's true, religious entities couldn't handle their own medicine. :finger:
  5. THENUMBER1022

    The Place where DREAMERS grow

    A place of pure inspiration. 100% Bliss, no interaction of politics, no need, because free will is beautiful and the law is morality. The ability to make decisions. A place to explore nature, to a universal level. Yes it has been done many times but it hasn't been done NOW. A land fenced off...
  6. THENUMBER1022

    Camera lights are fucking bullshit

    I just got my first ever fucking red light camera ticket. In the picture, my car is 5 ft into the intersection(passed the thick white line) but I remember the light changing, and I remember being in the middle of the intersection when it happened. I see people blow red lights all the fucking...
  7. THENUMBER1022

    So this bitch, right?

    The one from the other thread. Shes fucking hammered and pulling the same fucking shit over here. :wall: screaming at the top of her lungs, then when I go down there she screams "leave me alone" and when I get upstairs, bitch fucking starts screaming again. I told her I cheated on her, I told...
  8. THENUMBER1022

    New Kanye and Jay-z song..

    This song is pretty catchy, suprisingly relative to some of the recent conversations going down on RIU...not a Kanye fan but this song is dope. :leaf: Human being to the mob What's a mob to a king? What's a king to a god? What's a god to a...
  9. THENUMBER1022

    Leary Biscuits..

    Anyone ever make any? Leary Biscuits: A snack cracker with cheese and a small marijuana bud, briefly microwaved. Sounds like a waste of a nug to me.. :-?
  10. THENUMBER1022

    Am i going crazy?

    this is nothing like the other urca-like threads.. or is it? I have experimented with LSD for many years, and have taken it to the extreme but have long since settled down. I have basically been studying consciousness in the form of better understanding the states of consciousness I...
  11. THENUMBER1022

    The number - another cfl grow

    bongsmilie welcome. If you are ever wondering what I am up to, this thread should serve up a constant update of my current CFL grow, which will transition to HPS for flowerings.. Maui Wowie and PE Started germinating the seeds, got two of four total to pop, so 50% success...good enough for...
  12. THENUMBER1022

    Using a small amount of weed to cook

    Does any stoner know of any "put 1g of good bud in this and get smacked" tricks in the kitchen? Maybe when I harvest I can go all out but for now, I can't go crazy... :-( Thanks!
  13. THENUMBER1022

    Tokers - best cereal ever

    I am serious. If you haven't tried it, get a box. I shunned this particular cereal for no particular reason for many years, but I have seen the light. its is called Reeses Puffs. :blsmoke:
  14. THENUMBER1022

    STARS on RIU

    aside from the fact that Arcturus was appearing the western sky around 11pm for the last two months and is now showing up at 6pm.... I often wonder. I am sure many famous people get bored and toke it up once in a while. anyone on here make it big? pot=inspiration
  15. THENUMBER1022


    I am too fucking old for this shit. My wisdoms are coming through, blood in the sink every time I spit. Apparently everyone in my family got theirs pulled between twenty five and thirty years old, so I'm right in the middle. Lucky me! But seriously, I thought they were usually pulled around...
  16. THENUMBER1022

    CFl vs T5 seedling challenge

    So I am testing some Maui Wowie seeds out under different lighting. A 150w t5 from my fish tank and a 26w CFL... The CFL is 2700k, I do have some 11w 6500k's but I need to get some of the larger 60w CFL's to take over until I get an HPS for flowering. Everything was looking great at first...
  17. THENUMBER1022

    about to TRIP balls

    Finally scored some lucy. Its a monday night but I think I'm gonna drop at 10pm. Wish me luck! keep some random videos coming! bongsmilie
  18. THENUMBER1022

    The Minnow Will be Lost

    I have a minnow in my 500 gallon saltwater system, I keep moving him from tank to tank but every fish/crab in every tank just tries to eat him. He's fucking huge so I'm not trying to let them make a meal out of it. My tank is full of exotic fish, and when I had a friend bring some rocks from...
  19. THENUMBER1022

    Go to Google

    This guy died on 10/22 I keep seeing this number every where. Anyone have a birthday/deathday or anything else related to 10/22? Just high and wondering!
  20. THENUMBER1022

    Mowi Wowi - What should I do?

    :leaf: Cleaned my closet out after setting up a cabinet to get plants started. Started with some bagseed but luckily found three seeds I have been missing for 6 months. Labelled Mowi Wowi, back in the day when I complained to my dude for giving me the most gorgeous nugs, full of seeds. I...