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  1. DoctorCanna

    Squeezing BUDS! While being GROWN and once PERFECTLY CURED and smokable! Okay or Bad?

    If I had freshly and beautifully cured and smokable bud, and I allowed people to squeeze firmly the buds, in a sort of smashing squeeze. Would this degrade or damage the buds, lower thc? I would appreciate an extensive response explaining yes or no and why,and from a bunch of people but only if...
  2. DoctorCanna

    DIY Cloner question, Methods for stopping slow drip leaks from the Tote lid!

    This question is aimed at those of you who have built your own cloners and dealt with slow drip leaks coming from the lid of your tote, as a result of water collecting on the lid of the tote and running toward the edge and eventually dripping out and over the side, pooling on the ground, which...