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  1. JJ05

    Letting soil fully dry during flowering.

    I recently read that letting soil fully dry before watering during flowering makes the flowers stop forming/progressing? Has anyone heard such a thing before?
  2. JJ05

    Clone question.

    Is it normal for clones to have different number leaves? I have 2 GSC clones and one has 7 finger leaves and the other has 5 finger fan leaves? Both from same plant. Or so I’m told?
  3. JJ05

    Attention my Ohio brothers and sisters!!

    MY OHIO FRIENDS!!! GET OUT AND VOTE THIS NOVEMBER 3rd 2015!! LETS MAKE THIS HAPPEN OHIO!!! The voting will take place THIS November 3rd, not the 2016 Primary. Make sure to vote YES on Issue 3 for Legalization, and vote NO on Issue 2, we MUST vote NO on issue 2!! it is SO IMPORTANT to vote NO on...
  4. JJ05

    Attention my OHIO brothers and sisters!!!

    MY OHIO FRIENDS!!! GET OUT AND VOTE THIS NOVEMBER 3rd 2015!! LETS MAKE THIS HAPPEN OHIO!!! The voting will take place THIS November 3rd, not the 2016 Primary. Make sure to vote YES on Issue 3 for Legalization, and vote NO on Issue 2, we MUST vote NO on issue 2!! it is SO IMPORTANT to vote NO on...
  5. JJ05

    Full fledged Dead Tour??

    Check it dooods! What do you all think?
  6. JJ05

    How does...ah fuck it!

    WHAT!? pffft yeahhhh that is happening!
  7. JJ05

    ONE single seed in female plants!?!?!?!

    Hey crew, this is the first harvest I encountered this! I have 3 Blueberry Gums, 3 Blue OGs 1 Purple Pineberry and 1 C99...ANYWAYS Im a few days into my harvest/processing and while cleaning up my buds I noticed I found ONE seed in 4 out of 8 of my females so far. Still working on the other 4 so...
  8. JJ05

    Drying with light on?

    Hey crew, was trimming a Blueberrry gum last night and I fell asleep until this morning. They are hung in a room with 2 little cfl bulbs. They are pretty damn close to the lights. Literally 1-3 feet away, however I do not believe they are the 6500k variety tho. They were hanging for 5 days as...
  9. JJ05

    How long is trim good for?

    Hey crew! I have a freezer full of trim, dating back to 2010-2011. I am wondering if I can still process this old trim into hash? It was dried then put into the freezer. Do you guys think its still good?
  10. JJ05

    How long is trim good for?

    Hey crew! I have a freezer full of trim, dating back to 2010-2011. I am wondering if I can still process this old trim into hash? It was dried then put into the freezer. Do you guys think its still good?
  11. JJ05

    No flowers yet?

    Hey all, seems like flowering is kicking in kinda late this year on some of my plants. A couple of my Blueberry Gums are in full flower but my Blue OG and Purple Pineberry ( which is suppose to be a very fast finisher, mid sept) is not? They are only showing white hairs here n there. Along with...
  12. JJ05

    Faerie Con Baltimore!

    Hey crew! Have any of you heard of this? Faun and Omnia are headlining, should be an awesome time! I am building my Pan costume as we speak :) I plan to be looking like a bad ass Satyr! More info here
  13. JJ05

    Please help identify these bugs!!!

    Whoa fellas! I just went and further inspected my purple kush autos and found an INFESTATION of a nature I cannot identify. I proceeded to cut the leaves off and nugs off that had these little fuckers on them but I do not know what they are. Can you please help me identify these bugs and should...
  14. JJ05

    Lower fan leaves yellowing already?

    Hey all. I just went and checked on my plot and noticed alot of the lower fan leaves down by the base of the plant are already yellowing? This seems a bit early if you ask me. I'm going to hit them with feed tonight and see if that helps. I will get pics up after I am done feeding.
  15. JJ05

    First Albino A+ Fruit!!

    Hey crew! Just picked the first AA+ fruit and figured Id share it with ya guys! These are such beautiful mushrooms! This big fruit was my first flush, which is also a first! Never had a single mushroom flush. I will dunk and hope for some more! I am not too fond of the HUGE fruits because I HATE...
  16. JJ05

    Rotting Pins?

    Hey all, went out and checked the pins after a night/day of rain and seen this. Do you guys think they are bruising or rotting? If they are rotting should I pick them now??
  17. JJ05

    Outdoor Purple Kush

    A couple shots of my outdoor Purple Kush Autos :) These are some pretty plants, if anyone is considering growing them I def reccomend it! The only thing I noticed is the pistols take quite sometime to change from white, other than that they are damn nice and easy to grow!
  18. JJ05

    Heavy/Oversized fan leaves.

    Hey all. Quick question. I have a couple plants that have some INSANELY large/heavy fan leaves, biggest fan leaves I ever seen. They seem to be dropping due to weight of the leaf. I think its not a bad droop, it seems due to the size. Is this normal at all? I just hit each of them with a gallon...
  19. JJ05

    Outdoor Purple Kush Auto.

    Hey crew, heres a few shots of my outdoor purple kush autoflowers. One thing I noticed about these girls is they take a long time for the pistols to change from white to orange, other than that they are fucking awesome to grow! What do ya think?
  20. JJ05

    Outdoor pins yall!!!

    Hey Crew! Whats happening!? Well after a couple days of rain I went and checked my outdoor patch and BAM! I have pins everywhere!! This was from my previous failed PE grow. I basically took the cakes crumbled them up and made layers of sub, manure, sub, manure and so on, topped it with some dead...