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  1. nowaydude1011

    How often does this happen, no pics just a question

    ok ive just started 12/12 flowering and it looks like on plant is male and female, how often does that hapen
  2. nowaydude1011

    How long show this take?

    Ive just cut back the light hours to 12 and 12 dark hours and i was wanting to know how long it should take for the flowers/ buds to begins showing, a week two weeks? One is a sativa and one is an indica \
  3. nowaydude1011

    Do they stink more or less

    Sooooo do female plants stink more than male plants, before flowering
  4. nowaydude1011


    One of my plants has hit 3 months old but now it is starting to stink like some fuckin dank ass weed so wat is an easy and cheap way to mask the smell i live in an apartment complex so ya smells are no good and how come only one of my plants smells
  5. nowaydude1011

    Can someone plz give me a link

    I need a new link or something to find plant problem pictures because for wat ever reason the pics in the "Plant problems" forum on this site will not work P
  6. nowaydude1011

    Bright green and yellow spots?

    ok this is wat has shown up on my plant the past couple pf days and its started to droop and eagle claw
  7. nowaydude1011

    Bright green and yellow spots?

    Ok i one of my plants has went from being very green and healthy to a bright green and a couple of leaves have started to get large yellow spots and the tips have started to burn and are turning into eagle claws.... is this a Mg prob or nitro problem and i cant put picks up no camera just...
  8. nowaydude1011

    Kinda nervous to start flowering

    ok i wanna start flowering but my plants are skinny and tall not short and fat, how concerned should i be about the plant getting to heavy and falling over wats a good way to support the individual branchs, the main stem is nice and strong but the branches are wat have me concerned
  9. nowaydude1011

    how important is ventilation

    ok i have two plants not very big and i keep them in a closet with out a fan and havent had any problem with the plants but ive been reading a growing hand book an the shit says that if there is no air movement the plants will die...... should i be worried, my plants have been doing good with...
  10. nowaydude1011

    I thought this shit was suppose to be easy

    lol am i the only one thats had like every problem in the book thrown at them on their first grow
  11. nowaydude1011

    Someone with some real insight plz?

    ok im going to start a new grow and i made the mistake of using some shtty ass miracle grow as my growing medium and now i just want to know wats the best soil i can get for the money, and that i dont have to worry about starving my plants after the first couple weeks or so
  12. nowaydude1011

    The Best Fertilizer

    Im starting a new grow soon and judging from the last plants i need a new and much better soil mixture to grow in, so wats the best fertilizer i can buy, used MG last time and it didnt go very well so wat ever u say plz dont say Miracle Grow
  13. nowaydude1011

    Would it be easier to just start over new

    k i have three plants 2 of which have had alot of problems from the start and its almost on month 3 and the two plants are still nowhere near ready to flower and are still having problems so would it just be better to stop where im at and try it all over using everything that ive learned so far
  14. nowaydude1011

    Could This Be The Source Of All My Plants Problems

    k a couple of months ago i plants three plants and for the first month all were doing just fine, then as the second month came around two plants kept having problem after problem for no reason, then i discovered the using miracle grow can cause alot of stress on the plants as they get older so i...
  15. nowaydude1011

    Can i remove the fans leaves

    ok my plant is still kinda young and it has four very large fan leaves that are all shitty looking would it hurt the plant the cut them off, it has lots off smaller leaves coming in under the fan leaves to make up for the lost leaves
  16. nowaydude1011

    lol scratch that last post, wat is everyone smokin on tonight

    Me? i got some blue berry yum yum
  17. nowaydude1011

    Lets all roll up an smoke up

    Wat is going on tonight
  18. nowaydude1011

    Does Anybody Know About Kansas?

    When will kansas have medical marijuana
  19. nowaydude1011

    How can i fix a high ph level

    ok i think my plants are beginning to show signs of a bad ph level and i need to know how to flush or correct the problem, and where can i get something to test the ph
  20. nowaydude1011

    Couple questions about ph levels

    Ok wat the easyest and cost effective way to check the ph levels and does having a higher ph level cause the levels the curl under like eagle claws and small dark brown spots on the lower fan leaves