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  1. aceb07

    Cleaning your system

    Well i have to drop on mon and last nite tues i went to a party and smoke what i thought was tobacco then found out it also had weed in it so i want to know if i use nioxin pills wed and thurs along with a workout, (which i workout everyday), will i b able to get my system clean for the test...
  2. aceb07

    how to pass a drug test in 9 days?

    im sorry this is not a question that has to deal with growing but it's still a serious problem. i have a drug test comming up very very soon and i know i cant pass it without a little help. so i would like to know who has any methods that they have done before and it helped them pass a drug test.
  3. aceb07


    my lil girl is about 5 weeks old and she is between 13 and 14 in tall. i wanted 2 know when is the best time to top her using the FIM method
  4. aceb07

    Bubble gum wrappers

    i was wondering if any1 has ever tried using bubble gum wrappers as reflectors for their grow rooms. i dont think that they would create any hotspots, but when it comes to reflectativity i wonder how good they will b. i will experiment with this idea if no one has beat me to it yet.....
  5. aceb07

    ?'s about flushing MG organic soil

    i put my babies in mg organic soil the other day because the roots were outgrowing the peat pellets. today i noticed that the fan leaves were getting spots and drying up like it was getting nute burn so i wanted to know is there a way to flush out all of the nutes in mg organic soil so that my...
  6. aceb07

    constructing grow boxes and containers

    Thinking about making a grow container out of a tubberware storage box. Any ideas on how to make this, materials needed/cost of all total, any ideas on different grow containers
  7. aceb07

    New sprouts and the enviroment

    when new sprouts appear is it good to leave them under a humidity dome until first set of true leaves appear. is it good to put fresh sprouts under light or should they wait until the cytoclones appear
  8. aceb07

    first grow journal

    ok i have been debating on whether or not to start a journal and i think its time. i have started off many plants but they last only so long and i feel like the feed back or RIU will help me understand y even tho with every death(only3) i learn a plethora of info. I started germing some seeds...
  9. aceb07

    Nutrients 4v ya girls

    What is the best Foxx Farm product for feeding your girls, or if u know something better than Foxx Farm post
  10. aceb07

    possible new way to germinate

    ok so i was sitting here bored worried about my sprouts and y they werent gettin any bigger since they last sprouted about 5 days ago and suddenly it hit me. mayb there can b another way to germinate seeds. it may b a little more messy and hard to tell when the taproot emerges but i think that...
  11. aceb07

    Gypsy Nirvana is it really a fake

    i want to know how many people have ordered from gypsy nirvana, what country u live n, and how long did they take to come (if u received your seeds)
  12. aceb07


    Does anyone know about the reliability of GypsyNirvana, or Seed Boutique .com. thinkn about orderin some afghan seeds and they have great prices but im worried about their record of deliveries
  13. aceb07

    is this natural

    ok so i got my very first sprouted seed 2day but it didnt turn out as i expected. when i saw the sprout it was just a white stem pointed out of the soil, and i do mean white(well more of cream colored if u want to get technical) but i thought the shell would still b on the stem for a couple of...
  14. aceb07

    White soil???

    i purchased some organic choice soil for my beautiful babies. and when i went to open the bag and put the soil n the pot, the soil had some type of white substance n it. like it was a type of fungus or something, what is this??? this is not good is it???:cry:
  15. aceb07

    Germinating setup

    i have a small setup for my seeds n which i am tryng to germinate in soil. i wanted to know if this is a good way to set it up using this method, i moved the lights closer the soil to warm it, and i after 12 hours i put the seeds n the dark to help root development....but i dont think my seeds r...
  16. aceb07

    cfl's amd seedlings

    i currently have 4 cfl lights. one soft white 150w light and one a 120w bright light, and two 60w daylights. also i am currently using bagseeds but i also have some early special seeds that i ordered which i am waiting to germinate once i get the technique down. which light will be the best to...
  17. aceb07

    Ballasts and lights

    ok. i currently have cfl's but i want to switch to mhl's and hps but i dont understand how lights and ballasts fit into each other. i know i need the same type of ballast as a bulb but if i buy the right ballast can i use the metal halide lights and high pressure sodium lights on the same...
  18. aceb07

    How do u know what cycle

    i wanted to know exactly how do u know by looking at the plants what cycle they are n and when they are about to go into the vegetive cycle. ive read everything about their life cycles but while growing my plant how will i know its entering a new cycle, specifically the exact day the growth and...
  19. aceb07

    may i c your cfl grow journals

    i am currently grown under cfl lights and i would like to know if people with successful grows could post their grow journals (im a newbie). right now i only have 1 plant but many r germinating right now and i plan to stay small only until my 3rd grow. it would b of a great help to c these grow...
  20. aceb07

    Growing inside

    is it possible to grow an outside strain of cannabis, inside using CFL's.