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  1. Herpinderp

    Growing up

    For the past few years I guess I've been dealing with depression and possibly bipolar, and I keep thinking about how fast my teenage years flew by. I'm in my early 20's now and I keep thinking about the last 5 years and I get kind of sad. I think about what I had and it seems like life is going...
  2. Herpinderp

    White/yellow spots on leaves

    So here's my setup, the spots are usually along the outer edges and are on all of my plants, I have them on a 12/12 light schedule with sensibloom nutes. Here's my setup and the problem: Any help would be appreciated
  3. Herpinderp

    Dry Spots on Leaves?

    I am currently growing Short Rider, and what has appeared on 2 of my plants seem to be super dry spots on the leaves, and they crumble very easily. I water them once a day, I have a blue plastic cup that I usually fill up one and a half times of a mixture of 3tsp of both SensiBloom part A and...
  4. Herpinderp

    Psychology + Pot Experimentation?

    So I'm about a year away from getting my BS in Psychology and I was wondering what the Psychology scene was like out in California. I'm very interested in mental disorders and what marijuana can do to help cure these disorders. I worked at a home for people with mental illnesses ranging from...
  5. Herpinderp

    Master Kush and Aurora Indica (2nd Grow)

    For this grow, I am using the Master Kush and Aurora Indica strains from nirvanashop. 3 Aurora, 2 MK. They were planted on April 28th into an AeroGarden grower using the aerogarden herb nutrients. After sprouting, MK1, MK2 and AI1 were moved to pots on May 16th. 2 Aurora are still in the...
  6. Herpinderp

    Mature Shortryder (Autoflower)

    Okay, so these are some Shortryder (Top 44 + Early Special) with the autoflowering gene from, I don't know the age of the most mature of the plants because I wasn't recording the dates at the time, but the other 3 are about 4 and a half weeks old, I'll have to double check my...