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  1. slackjack

    Slackjack's Outdoor Extravaganza!

    Alright! So this whole grow is/will be a work in progress. I intended to have everything indoors, but its not panning out as hoped and I'll be damned if I'm gonna let a perfectly good outdoor season go to waste! Plus, if the indoor gig comes together i can always clone from my outdoor...
  2. slackjack

    Questions on heat and humidity

    I was hoping to do a nice long summer grow. It will be in a safe area, but I'd still like to keep them small and hoping to finish before hunting season so early octoberish. I'm counting on a few weeks of 100+ degrees and year round high humidity. So I guess I have two questions. What can I...
  3. slackjack

    I remember this weed, man...

    Haven't found anything like it in almost a decade. An eighth looked like a quarter in the bag because the stuff was so fluffy. The smell almost burned your nose and would leak through nearly anything! The most incredible part was the thick spice it had that reminded me of eating an Indian...
  4. slackjack

    Is there a huge difference in the more expensive HPS bulbs amd the regular???

    I'm looking to buy a new light from htg supply and they are offering upgrade hps bulbs, the AgroMax and the SunMaster for a little bit more, is it worth it? Any body tried these out and noticed a difference?? Thanks! :joint: