Search results

  1. Mr Neutron

    Greedy Socialist

    The mayor of Zurich gave up U.S. citizenship, one of a growing number of Americans to do so after Switzerland agreed to implement tighter asset-disclosure rules. Corine Mauch, 52, a member of the Socialist Party born in Iowa City, Iowa, returned her passport to the U.S. Embassy as she regards...
  2. Mr Neutron

    The Parrot Media “The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of...
  3. Mr Neutron

    Happy Birthday, 16th

    Former IRS Special Agent Reflects On Shared Birthday With Income Tax Dear Friends, Although not widely publicized in the past, I learned during the early phase of my investigation into the federal income tax system that I have the dubious "honor" of sharing the same birth date as our...
  4. Mr Neutron

    Mass shootings, what do they have in common?

    Other than using firearms and not going to gun shops, shooting ranges or police stations to do their killing? They all had a history of anti depressant/ssri drugs... why isn't anybody talking about that? Gun control is like banning cars because of drunk drivers. How about we run background...
  5. Mr Neutron

    MMJ patients going to jail at faster rate

    Obama Administration Throwing Medical Marijuana Patients Into Federal Prison at Unprecedented Rate This month will see a number of patients sentenced, sent to prison despite compliance with state medical marijuana laws Washington, DC -- Fallout from the Obama Administration's aggressive...
  6. Mr Neutron

    Armed man shows tremendous restraint. If only some here would show such restraint...
  7. Mr Neutron

    FDA: A Shining Example of Government Accountability.

    Everyday a new crop of reports like this: ... and this: Do we really need the FDA? Can we afford the FDA? especially when there is...
  8. Mr Neutron

    An American Tale
  9. Mr Neutron

    Wo said this?

    "By a continuing process of inflation, governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens. By this method they not only confiscate, but they confiscate arbitrarily; and, while the process impoverishes many, it actually enriches some. The sight...
  10. Mr Neutron

    New Obama video revealed

    What an amazing southern accent he suddenly reveals.
  11. Mr Neutron

    Mexico's Prez asks UN for a new approach to War on Drugs

    Mexican president asks the UN to look for alternatives in the war on drugs - He considers they international organization should lead a "non-prohibitionist" debate by EFE September 26 2012 Mexican President, Felipe Calderon, speaking before the UN's General Assembly at their New York...
  12. Mr Neutron

    Who would Santa Claus vote for?

    Given the choice of a giant douche or a turd sandwich, which would Santy vote for?
  13. Mr Neutron

    Who says Congress is ineffective?

    They all agreed on this lovely little piece of legislation. "Wall Street lobbyists are awesome. I’m beginning to develop a begrudging respect not just for their body of work as a whole, but also for their sense of humor. They always go right to the edge of outrageous, and then wittily take one...
  14. Mr Neutron

    How hypocrites rationalize choice

    You just can't make this stuff up.
  15. Mr Neutron

    Obama is selling hemp while keeping it illegal.

    "While America's economy is suffering staggering losses in jobs and debt, the Obama administration is creating jobs for Chinese workers by selling hemp scarves on its website -- even while industrialized hemp remains illegal for U.S. farmers to grow!"...
  16. Mr Neutron


    Why is bullying in school denounced but bullying from government gets a pass?
  17. Mr Neutron

    Words of Wisdom Draft the Judge 2016!
  18. Mr Neutron

    The compassionate left.
  19. Mr Neutron

    Oregon man jailed for collecting rainwater

    The government owns the rain and snow in Oregon!Submitted by Ed Thinking on Fri, 07/27/2012 - 13:29in Gardening, Homesteading + Livestock Oregon Quicklink Oregon Man Sentenced to 30 Days in Jail -- for Collecting Rainwater on His Property ( – A rural Oregon man was sentenced...
  20. Mr Neutron

    NPR's "Planet Money" endorses Ron Paul economics

    NPR's "Planet Money" Endorses Ron Paul EconomicsSubmitted by pmchanjr on Fri, 07/27/2012 - 18:35in Daily Paul Liberty Forum Quicklink In a STUNNING admission, NPR's "Planet Money" surveyed 5 ideologically diverse economists and found 6 policies they all agreed on. Ironically, they all align...