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  1. manfromehell

    Needing Suggestions, wat to cut, when to harvest, ect

    Im a first time grower, im not using any nutriends just water and some sugar, Im not sure wat I should cut off and how long till i can harvest ect. i got 3 plants, thx!
  2. manfromehell

    My Leafs Are Turning Upward???

    My Leafs Are Turning Upward, I think it possibly could be stress... but I wanna make sure this plant wont affect my others near by!!! plz help
  3. manfromehell

    hey first time grower.... how r they l00kin'?!?

    hah my frist plants, I had 3 but the one was male... these are my two females... ones white widdow ones some sort of maybe has weed? L0L
  4. manfromehell

    HELP : wat is this plant doing? l0l

    It looks like it is flowering but my other two plants dont look like this I am thinking this may be a male?
  5. manfromehell

    new growwing in ontaRIO

    Whats going on here