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  1. Hettyman

    Brown Roots - Could this just be from the brown Biobizz nutes I use?

    This is my first attempt at DWC, and apart from a Cal def caused by incorrect pH, which is sorted, everything has been going pretty well. Most of the plant is a lovely forest green, and seems to growing at the rate I would expect. I am using BioGrow, which is an organic feed with Molasses and...
  2. Hettyman

    After 2 years in tents, i'm going wild, would appreciate some tips :)

    Good evening, I've recently moved out into the country, and thought it would be a terrible waste to leave all that wilderness untamed. I've found a perfect spot, on a hill, allowing good drainage and sun all day. Its about a mile from my house, and I can see the area from my garden, and in 4...
  3. Hettyman

    Another hydro Cal def. Self diagnosed as pH, but what to expect from recovery?

    I have the startings of what could soon be an evil calcium def in my first hydro grow (experienced in soil), and think it would be due to 5.9-6.0 pH, so dropped down to 5.6-5.7 to help take up. Using biobizz grow, and gave some Hesi Powerzyme for trace elements, but not sure if these contain any...
  4. Hettyman

    Perpetual Hobby -

    OK, so I'm moving house next week, and into a 3 bed house, so I gets a room just for my hobby, rather than having to share a bedroom with tents. I've grown a few different strains over the past 2 years, all Indica based, and all in soil. I love soil and will continue using it, but also trying...
  5. Hettyman

    Do Sat's produce roots longer into the flower period than Indi's??

    Good afternoon growers, I have taken it as a given, after coming across it several times, that plants stop rooting a couple of weeks into flower, and this seems to have been proven in all my indica grows. However, I am about to grow a couple of Sativa's, and wondered if their longer flower time...
  6. Hettyman

    Cupping leaves, moisture or root bound? Thoughts please?

    These are my 2 Cheese ladies, under a 250w dual spectrum HPS, and they have major Taco leaves. I've done a bit of reading, but can't confidently diagnose what is causing it. They were transplanted from 3l to 7.5l pots 10 days ago (having filled their 3l pots nicely in a week and a half, circling...
  7. Hettyman

    Have I been caught out by Mag def again??!!!!

    I've been growing for over a year, but butchered my current grow under a 400w. Think I took on too many variables at once, bigger light, new soil, new strain, and new nutes all at once. I have been cautious with feeding, so expected a little def here and there but this is offensive. The lower...
  8. Hettyman

    Intermediate grower needs soil pH confirmation

    I have just bought a new 400w tent set up (been growing a year) and having problems with this latest grow. I my ladies a week ago, and repotted them 5 days before that in Biobizz All Mix soil, my first time using this over Light Mix. Only had water since repotting. Symptoms: White tip - nute...
  9. Hettyman

    Aurora Indica - Plants seem more sativa, any ideas on flowering time

    I have 5 Aurora Indica plants, about to be flipped under a 400w HPS. Since taking these pics (3 days ago), I have topped the plants, put them into 7.5 litre pots and will be flipping them in 4 days when my new tent and light arrives. They are supposed to be a predominantly Indica Hybrid, from...
  10. Hettyman

    Ruck fan vs Turbo tube

    I'm about to upgrade to a 400w HPS in 3x3 tent, and gonna buy a pretty basic kit as I will only be doing 2 bigger grows over the winter and then go back to using my 250 HPS set up. For about the same money I can get it with a 4" Ruck fan at 220m3 p/h, or a 5" Turbo tube at 280m3 p/h, both with...
  11. Hettyman

    Pre mixing nute solutions to store for 2-3 days

    I have been Using BioBizz up until now, and due to the lovely man at my hydro shop giving me lots of free samples, I am now planning to do a comparison with 3 different nute programmes: 1- BioGrow, BioiBloom, Topmax 2 - Hesi - TNT, Bloom, and Phosphorus PLus 3 - Gold Label starter Kit -...
  12. Hettyman

    Too much light for young seedlings??

    Morning all, just a quick question about my seedlings. They are in pellets, in a small propagator and about 1.5" below a 125w 6500k CFL (8000 lums). I have them this close to avoid stretch, but worried they may find it stressfull being forced to work too hard too young. (like my kids will be...
  13. Hettyman

    Epsom Salts bad for your plants? or at least not the best??

    After much advice, I have recently added a small amount of Epsom Salts to one of my waterings to resolve Cal/Mag defs. However, I have just read the following article and it doesn't list Magnesium Sulphate as one of the ones to use... I have to admit, I do worry about using any kind of...
  14. Hettyman

    Predatory Mites - Phytoseiulus - to eat spider mites, any one tried this

    I have just ordered 200 of these little buggers, which will apparently happily out breed the mites and eat their way through 2 plants worth of mild infestation. (which is what I have). I'm late flower and have tried most things.... and please please please for gods sake do not mention NO PEST...
  15. Hettyman

    Pre-flower period, first 10 days 12/12, 2700k or 6500k???

    I have a perp grow going, with a veg cupboard, a flower tent, and an overflow grow room, when space gets tight I stick a couple of plants in there. I am about to swap my 2 ladies to 12/12 in the over flow room, and have a choice of CFL's, and can either do mostly 2700k, or mostly 6500k, but...
  16. Hettyman

    Epsom Salts, just a quick double check please

    I have what seems to be a Cal/mag def at week 5 flower, which research has told me to add some Epsom Salts. I have bought: Epsom Salts B.P - Magnesium this the right stuff?? Also, I'll only be making up a litre, so about 1/4 teaspoon?? In pH adjusted water with no other nutes...
  17. Hettyman

    Nirvana Seeds

    I have bought all my seeds do far through Nirvana, because so far the plants have been good, the customer service has been good and I really can't think of any reason to go elsewhere. However you are able to track your order on the website, and the seeds i ordered on Sunday were: "With...
  18. Hettyman

    really struggling with BioBizz, anyone experienced with them and can spare some time?

    Good morning all, I've been growing for just over a year now and using BioGrow and Bloom, more recently adding Top Max through flower. I currently have a huge deficiency problem, which someone has suggested could be fized by Epsom Salts, but wanted some further advice or comfirmation. I've...
  19. Hettyman

    Def's or worse??...or both???

    My 2 Blue Mystic ladies aren't looking too good. My best guess is def's in NPK, as I have just changed from CFL to HPS and think i'm still not caught up with the new feeding needs. I thought I could detect a hint of a damp smell from the plants which wouldn't surprise me due to the packed bushy...
  20. Hettyman

    Budd Rot/ Mould Mid flower, i'm not feeling good about this, please help

    I've been growing for about a year, and currently have 2 Blue Mystiic ladies in Soil (Biobizz light mix, plus I added Worm castings, perlite and clay pebbles). There is almost a damp smell coming from them rather then a fruity one, and I'm worried that this is early signs of mould or something...