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  1. PumpkinRoller

    white mold

    white mold on fan leaf of clone aproximatley 3 weeks old. :?: doubt it but could this be from varying temperature quite often? had house ants under neath one of the pots, few days of terro and they were all gone. if an ant ate the terro, crawled into the pot, and died, and got watered...white...
  2. PumpkinRoller

    Sh! babies!

    So the tips of the leaves on my 2-4 inch seedlings are starting to die. over watering?
  3. PumpkinRoller

    Flourescents vs. sunlight

    Heres my situation. i have a fully operational growroom that i dotn know how to use because the person who was doin it moved out. there are flourescent grow lights and then the big grow lights anyways... i have seedlings that are bout 2=3 inches tall. would they grow better under 24/7 light from...
  4. PumpkinRoller

    Need resivior advice

    Ok so iahev a 30 gallon tank up in a tree to water all my plants at lower spots in the trees but now im realizing that i wanna do more plants in trees than i had initially planned. problem is i dont have another tank and im to cheap to buy one. i have a 100 gallon plastic trash can its that...
  5. PumpkinRoller

    estion about fluorescents

    I have seedlings that are about 2-3 inches tall. if i put them in my grow room under fluorescent lights will it be better for them than in the sun? could i put them in the sun at day and under the lights at night?
  6. PumpkinRoller

    Mendocino County?

    Hey i was talkin to my friend that lives over in the SF Bay area and he said its legal t ogrow pot in mendocino county! its a little north of him and he says if yuo have a medical card there you can have 25 plants legally! is this true or all bs?
  7. PumpkinRoller

    Is it ok to use old spots?

    If I re use holes that had plants in them last season will it screw my plants up?
  8. PumpkinRoller

    No outdoor clones

    :cry: :cry:Ive been told time and time again that theres no way i can make clones of my outdoor buties without grow lights. is tis true and im gona have to make one of my ladys be by a male and give me seeds?
  9. PumpkinRoller

    Too hot?

    Hey im thinkin my greenhouse gets way too hot for plants in the summer, im not even exagerating when i say it gets 120 degrees easy in the summer, should i put a fan in it or what?
  10. PumpkinRoller

    Big Bud x Mendo Purp

    Anybody ever grown or smoked a big bud x mendo purp cross or anything mixed with big bud?
  11. PumpkinRoller

    WTF is that in the tree!??!!

    Well i did it, i climbed up to the top of a big fir, cut the top off and put a spray painted pot up there:hump:... with a full grown plant im thinkin it wont look to suspicios, i live so far out noone ever goes on my land, just the porkchoppers in there black birds and i doubt theyd notice...
  12. PumpkinRoller

    Big Bud greenhouse

    Gona have bout 20 big buds in the ground in the greenhouse this summer, ive never grown somethin this big. gona be transplantin in a couple weeks and im wondering if my green house might be to small. on the site i ordered them from average height was 6 ft but this is gona be perfect conditions...
  13. PumpkinRoller

    Outdoor clones

    K with my gordgeus outdoor lady i wana take some cuttings. i got a growroom that was operational a couple years ago, i dont know how to use it cuz the person who was doin it dsnt live with us anymore, was wondering if any1 can tell me bout my lights...heres what it says on the lights..."Sunlight...
  14. PumpkinRoller


    Cant say how but i have a small growroom that was fully functional bout 2 years ago. now the person who operated it doesnt live with us anymore and im wondering if theyre so outdated i should get new ones. the lights are "ReLamp with 250w Type 58". are these ok to use?
  15. PumpkinRoller

    2 sprouts 1 jiffy

    problem is i accidently put 2 seeds in one jiffy pot and now theyve both sprouted, theyre both bout 1 1/2-2 inches tall. what should i do? i would like to keep them both alive if possible couldnt bare to kill one of the little guys :cry:lol
  16. PumpkinRoller


    :?I was talkin to a Native American friend of mine and he said his cousin has been usin fish for growin for years! he digs a hole to the depth he wants then digs another foot and a half and puts a couple dead fish in and fills it back up to where he wants. apparently it works cuz he says the...
  17. PumpkinRoller

    How much water will it take?

    :confused:How much water does ur average full grown outdoor plant take theyll be in 4ftx4ftx4ft holes
  18. PumpkinRoller

    I got a lot to learn

    Ive never grown before. im gonna be growin outside this spring. ive heard if you plant in the ground you get way bigger plants with a higher yield. so heres my plan. for each plant im gona dig a hole 4ft deep 5ft wide and 5ft long, line the hole with chicken wire with to protect the plant from...