Search results

  1. SgtStadanko

    Sudden Yellowing of White Widow

    Guys, Got many different strains, all in the identical organic mix, all in holes in the ground outdoors. White widow is yellow and dropping leaves. Almost white. All other strains green and strong. Thinking they were under watered at the bottom of the hole (nute lock) I increased water...
  2. SgtStadanko

    Pernicious Flowering (Early) of Large Outdoor Crop

    Here in NorCal we have had awful weather. 50-60 degrees and mini rains for the last 3 weeks, where it should be in the 80-100's. Pretty much all my strains are showing budding, some light, some quite heavy. Amongst one row of clones, in this case my SkyDog, one sister might not be...
  3. SgtStadanko

    Natural Pest Control Primer and Recipe

    Today I thought I would share some excellent natural pest control methods, one of which I have been using for years in a vegetable garden. Since I like to eat my veggies without any chance of getting sick or dying, these methods seem totally transportable to our "babies". This has seen a...
  4. SgtStadanko

    Problems Locating 9-12 Gallon Containers In Northern California/Bay Area

    Anybody know of a source for Nursery Containers in Nor Cal? I have been going from Nursery to Nursery trying to locate the large containers, and nobody sells them...unless you buy a tree with it. I can order 10 gallon containers in large quantities from So Cal, but shipping will probably be...
  5. SgtStadanko

    New Medical Grow Starting in California...

    March 17, 2011 After both my brother and my best friend developed stage 4 cancer, I started paying attention to marijuana. Haven't been able to smoke it because of my job (I fly, not Law enforcement), and still wont be able to...But I decided I can probably make a huge difference in their...