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  1. Lankster187

    Potting Question

    Just curious, why do people start with small pots and work their way up as the plant ages? Why cant I just put my seed into the 5 gallon to start?
  2. Lankster187

    Orange Tree Indoor

    Just throwing it out there, if you want you can take, if not, send it right back.... Would taking a seed from inside an orange, germinating it (if possible) and planting inside my tent work? I thought that would be cool to have a bonzai orange tree!
  3. Lankster187

    Burnt leaves...

    Can anyone help me? I Have balanced my PH to 6.0, my nutes were measured to what the package specified. One is carbo load by advanced butes and the other is called Grow terra. I added epsom salt to the water to help with magnesium. I have my 400W lamp running 250W and its about a foot or so...
  4. Lankster187

    CFM Reduction?

    Just a quick question... I am running a 175CFM inline fan and it can keep up with my temp. Currently it is 20 feet or so away from my tent. I am using plastic dryer ducting to transport the air. Will moving it closer to my tent increase the suction from my tent? I'm not sure if the distance...
  5. Lankster187

    Metal Halide Question

    Hey guys, hopefully some one will be able to answer this for me. I just bought a new Lumatek 400W digital ballast, 8in glass cooltub hood and a phillips MH bulb. The first couple times I had it all running, but then the breaker tripped. When I reset everything the bulb wouldnt fire back up. I...
  6. Lankster187

    MH Light Question

    I acquired a free MH bulb and am considering upgrading my equipment and this may be a free bulb for me to use. HOWEVER, I know nothing about MH lights, this particular light and was hoping for some help. Currently i am just a starter with a 150W HPS system, so this is a big jump for me. The...
  7. Lankster187

    Mindblowing conversation!s

    I just wanted to share this link that I found. I think the site has been around for a long time but i Just got the TED app for my phone and the videos blew my mind! The website is or the TED app for iPhone. Enjoy!
  8. Lankster187

    Need some advice

    Hey guys, this is my second grow and i must admit i still dont know alot. I want this plant to bush out more and i have tied it down and all that but as you can see its really skinny in the middle. Should i cut it halfway or 3/4 of the way down to let the middle grow out? I am only running a...
  9. Lankster187

    When should I get an electrician/ control boxes

    Hey Guys, currently i am running my 150W light, my 175 CFM inline exhaust and a little desk fan through a power bar that runs to one 110V plug in. I want to upgrade to a 400W or 600W digital ballast through the same setup. I just wanna know before i buy new lights if I need some other kind of...
  10. Lankster187

    Color blind or different preception on reality...

    So today at work I was talking with a guy at work that is color blind. The whole concept is kinda fucked as is, but we started to wonder... When i see the color red, and you see the color red, we agree that it is red. BUT what if its not? what if we have just been trained to think something...
  11. Lankster187

    Can I re-veg after harvesting?

    Hey Guys, I was wondering, after I harvest can i put my plant back into veg? Well I already have but it looks like it's continuing to die off. What are the odds of this thing coming back? Or should i just scrap it and start a new one?
  12. Lankster187

    Growing something exotic in my tent with my ganja, Any suggestions?

    So i have a tent with 1 plant in it right now. Its 5x4x4 with a 150W HPS bulb. I kinda want to grow something exotic that otherwise wouldn't survive in Alberta. Any ideas? I heard if you cut the top off a pineapple and plant it a new one will gorw. I would appreciate the suggestions. My tent...
  13. Lankster187

    CO2 Producing pucks?

    Hey guys, I just went to my hydro shop to pick up some nutes for my plant and the gy managed to sell me a $5 CO2 puck. Before I put it in my tent I was hoping to get some input. Apparently you just put it on a plate with a little bit of water and it produces CO2 as it breaks down. I put a...
  14. Lankster187

    HELP!! Emergency move required!!!

    Hey, so i have a 4x4 tent with a tiny plant. It is only 2 or 3 weeks old and my landlord is coming to walk around to renew our lease. Needless to say everything has to be broken down and moved like...yesterday! He comes in 2 days and I need help. Will moving this little guy for an hour or two...
  15. Lankster187

    Question about My Light

    So I'm really quite new and have a quick question about my light. The hydro store guy is EXTREMELY hard to understand to say the least and I'm not sure if we weren't getting what eachother was asking. Basically i bought a 150 watt HPS light and I thought he said it would run MH bulbs as well...
  16. Lankster187

    My First Grow and I'm Looking for Some Input

    So I have just been turned onto this site by my bro and it has helped me HUGE! I have decided to just do a hobby grow, one plant in my 2' x 3' x 5' tent with a 150W HPS bulb. I lucked out ( i think ) and got the tent, light, a 175 CFM fan and carbn filter for $580. I have managed to squeeze...