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  1. BakedBlake

    Starting fresh!

    Starting a new grow soon and need some advice on what size light to use. The tent is 4x4x8' I want to to get the greatest yield without wasting a bunch of power. I plan on using a SCROG method to maximize use of what little space I have to work with. Been browsing the web looking at 600W hps...
  2. BakedBlake

    What is up with this branch?

    So this plants a little over 4 weeks into veg. Its from seed in fox farm ocean forest and once a week i water with "Roots Organic Buddha grow" And its whole life its had this mutant branch that is at least double the size of the rest. Its starting to develop 3 water leaves per node rather than...
  3. BakedBlake

    First real grow how do they look?

    Greetings everyone. Ive recently settled in and have been able to start a little grow. I got an indica pack from the greenhouse seed company and through shipping i wasnt able to tell which was which. I have a 600W MH for their veg stage 16/8 and i have an HPS for when they flower. ive planted...
  4. BakedBlake

    12 outside 12 in. please help

    so i have a few seeds and i was wondering what kind of result i would get if i just gave them 12 hours of sunlight everyday and then just brought them in the dark for 12 at night. im not sure if this will even work but some feed back would be appreciated.
  5. BakedBlake

    First Try Outdoors. LST

    Hey everyone. I have a few questions about my grow. first off, did i start training it too early? i recently read you should wait for a few nodes? and another question, will my other veggies in the same garden box disrupt the growth of my mj? the hole is dug pretty deep so it has enough...
  6. BakedBlake

    Three fingers?!

    Has anyone ever seen this before? my first set of leaves had three fingers. in my past grows all had only started with leaves consisting of only one finger. i have it under 1 26W cfl for now and its in some organic soil. i got the seed from a friend he said it was some hawaiian punch. anyone...
  7. BakedBlake

    Fans Of Hip Hop?

    Ayee. So for those cool cats who can get down with hip hop i suggest you give these dudes a listen.
  8. BakedBlake

    Sinking Seeds

    i put my one seed in a container of water to germinate it. and when i looked at it today it was at the bottom when yesterday, it was afloat. is this normal? should i take the seed out of the water or just let it do its thing till it cracks?
  9. BakedBlake

    Male plant Q.

    So unfortunately.. i think my plant is male. :/ i only have the one growing so i dont want to kill it. i would like to actually keep growing it to get seeds. when will i know that the seeds are ready? will they fall off? i tried to do some research but i could only find directions on how/when to...
  10. BakedBlake


    so it is early into flowering.. about a week. but i woke up this morning to discover on my plant what looked to be like the early stages of a male plant. im bummed out by this. i know its early.. and i know the pics are not of the highest quality, but can i get a few opinions? :wall:
  11. BakedBlake

    Fungus gnats

    This morning i discovered what i identified to be fungus gnats on my lady. i dont like this..:wall: I was told it could be possibly from me trimming off some unhealthy fan leaves and just letting them decompose in my soil. is this true? if not what could it be? is this bad for my plant? how do i...
  12. BakedBlake

    Easing into 12/12?

    would there be any difference in growth rate or flowering time if i took my current schedule(16/8) and reduced the light hours by one until i reached 12/12? if so how many days should i stay on 15/9, 14/10 etc..
  13. BakedBlake

    iron coat hangers?

    are these bad to use to hold my plants branches down? withh the metals hurt the plant at all?
  14. BakedBlake

    light leaks during veg.

    i have a few light leaks and it gets some light during its down time. its about 5 weeks old. i was just wondering if this will effect the plant overall. the leaks will be taken care of before i switch to flowering. can someone let me know?
  15. BakedBlake

    Too early?

    This ones a little over a month old. im running out of room and have been keeping it down with string. but its not having it anymore and its growing very fast. can i start flowering soon or is it to early?
  16. BakedBlake

    Running out of room..

    This ones a little over a month old. im running out of room and have been keeping it down with string. but its not having it anymore and its growing very fast. can i start flowering soon or is it to early?:weed:
  17. BakedBlake

    its a beautiful day! :D

    I was wondering if it would be bad for my indoor plant to get some sun. Its a little over three weeks and Its just been under some cfls so I don't know if real sunlight will hurt it. Can someone let me know? Thanks.
  18. BakedBlake


    I was informed topping your plant makes it less tall and more bushy? Thats kinda what im going for. im sure you guys will know more than me and i just wanted to get some information on it. heres a pic of my plant its a little over three weeks old.. If i get enough information i want to try it...
  19. BakedBlake

    Ventalation problem?

    This ones only 3 weeks old. i have it under two 27W Cfl's in some organic soil and all im giving it is distilled water. But the area i have it in doesnt have great ventalation i open it multiple times daily to let fresh air in and let the old air cycle out. its growing at a pretty good rate the...
  20. BakedBlake

    Purple stem help?!

    Heyy everyone. This little ones only about 3 days old and the stem is extremely red/purple. i was wondering if this is a problem. its just in some organic soil ive been watering with distilled water annd its under a 100W cfl about 2 inches away. is this normal in young plants?