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  1. R

    confused.. orange hairs or cloudy crystals???????

    some people tell me to cut my shit when the hairs have turned from white to red, and other people tell me when all the heads of the crystals have turned cloudy??? all the hairs have turned orange, but some of the crystals are still clear. Any advise?????
  2. R

    are they dead????

    These 2 started to get hella droopy, then the hairs started turning amber. It only happend to these 2, the rest of them are fine. Should i keep them in the room, or are they just wasting light???? Or is there a chance they might come back???
  3. R

    Is this ph burn or what????

    hey everyone, just wanted to know if someone can tell me what wrong with my stuff... ph is at 6.0, but the run off is like 6.3-6.4 or is it nute burn???
  4. R

    little help??? i got some picss..

    my leaves are curling up real bad, and some are kinda droopy, they are in about 75degrees, they are under a 1000watt hps light, growing in rockwole cubes. Anyone have any idea what is wrong, any help would be appreciated.
  5. R

    when to top???

    when is a good time to top my babies, a certain height or something??? Any help???
  6. R

    not sure????is it time???

    Hey every one, this is my first grow, im at day 50 right now, im not sure if i should cut them down or what. Im sorry i have a real crappy camera. they are silver/purple haze. not sure if sativa or indica, and advise is apreciated... if i left out any info, let me know. if they are ready, should...
  7. R

    32 days in flowering, still no smell???

    Is this normal, 4 weeks into flowering and they only smell like plants??? I got these clones from the canabis club, they said they were silverhaze, and purple kush. temp is at 74degrees when light is on, and 64 them light is off. Can anyone let me know what im doing wrong or if this is normal???
  8. R

    First grow, 20 days into flowering. looking for any advise.

    hey everyone, this is my first grow, im kinda new to this stuff. I got a 1000watt light, i gave them some bush master when flipped to flowering. Now, im giving them Floranova, koolbloom liquid, and floranectar. They are silverhaze and purple kush, i got them as clones. The temp is about 65 at...