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  1. Encomium

    Making a great post into a sticky?

    Not sure where to request this but I think it should be asked about at the very least. This thread HERE is what I'd like stickied. I think it deserves being a sticky because it contains an extremely coherent recipe and pictorial guide on creating "Canna Caps". Most noticeably it includes...
  2. Encomium

    Automated Curing Method

    Anyone know of such a thing? Basically it's because I'll be out of town for 5 days soon after a harvest and I'm worried about leaving buds too moist inside a mason jar without being able to burp them occasionally. On the flip side I don't want to hang too long and over-dry harvested plants...
  3. Encomium

    White Paste Growing on Rockwool - Ebb and Flow - H202 Solution OK?

    I've just noticed a white paste-like substance on at least one of my 5x5 inch rockwool slabs. The substance is damp, looks a bit like Elmer's glue and when rubbed together feels a tiny bit grainy and slimy but not sticky. It's grown approximately 1/4 inch above the top of the rockwool and about...
  4. Encomium

    Uninterruptible Power Supply - Recommendations Please

    Hi, Anyone have any recommendations on an UPS? I've done a bit of looking and most that I see seem to be designed for computers. Also, I'm not sure what exactly I'm looking for. Ideally I'd like to be able to use one for lighting, ac, water/air pumps, exhaust fan(s), and circulation fans but...
  5. Encomium

    Unusual flowering growth with a micro seed?

    I swear I saw a similar topic somewhere on these forums but after searching 11 pages I haven't found anything yet. 3 days ago doing the normal inspection of my plants I found a tiny "seed" approximately 1-2 mm in size. I say seed because for all intents and purposes that is what it looked...
  6. Encomium

    Ebb and Flow - Transplant Q's on Rockwool/Hydroton etc.

    Hi all and thank you anyone who helps (+ rep of course to those that do). I'm currently in my 2nd week of flowering and I'm thinking I should transplant my plants into bigger containers (I realize I should have done it earlier). I'm using 5 inch rockwool cubes in an ebb and flow system. My...
  7. Encomium

    Rockwool medium dried out - What to do to fix?

    So I came home today and found my mother plant extremely wilted. Quickly checked the rockwool medium and found it to be bone dry! I quickly flushed the medium out with nutrient solution to rewet it and have since foliar sprayed a bit with just plain water. Is there anything else I should be...
  8. Encomium

    Transplanting Help

    Hi all and thanks for looking over this post. Using an ebb and flow system my plants are from 7" to 8" tall and I'd like to start flowering. However, I've noticed that a few roots are poking out of the bottom of my containers (5 x 5" squares, roughly 6" in height) in...