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  1. Cydraalv

    Leak Proof DIY EZ Cloner

    Find any cooler taller than 15 inches Open the lid. Cut the bottom of the lid out on the inside of the dropped lip. Drill holes every two inches in the bottom of the lip. I use Aqua Via water pumps as they are low heat and only $16 for a 315 gph Depending on size of cooler you should only need...
  2. Cydraalv

    Research Grower Dude

    Research Junkie. Doing first grow this year. Somewhere around 30 plants doing random experiments with all. Ebb Flow Indoor / Outdoor soil HID and CFL. Might try aeroponics not sure. Got some exp helping others but am basically new. Going to try crossbreeding and feminizing seeds! Strains: Dutch...