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  1. M

    Crystal like particles in soil??m

    So I just cam to check my plants and I noticed that there is like crystals in the soil. Like if someone mixed salt with the soil it wasn't there yesterday I been vegin for almost 2months and im using miracle grow organic soil.. sorry cant upload pics. What can it be any advice would help thanks.
  2. M

    Plants not growing!

    Hey ya'll well I been vegin 9 white widows for like almost to months now and 3 out of those plants are growing at all. The 3 that aren' growing are 5" tall and the rest are 1' tall. Im growing in miracle grow organic soil. Im using Advance nutrients,ph is 6.5 , lights are cfl's floros and LED...
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    Re-Growing after harvest is it possible or waste of time?

    So I harvested my babies and I just cut the branches. So now I just have the long trunk. If I keep adding water will it re grow or is it a waste of time?? Any advice or experienced on this??
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    How to Make Sticky Bud instead of Dry Bud?

    so this is my first grow ever and I just started to harvest my plant, but I wanted to make my bud sticky and not dry and fluffy whats a good to keep them sticky??
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    From Indoor to Outdoor Grow Plant Transfer

    So im about to start my second grow and I my seeds just sprouted( two white widow and one bagseed). I decided to germ them indoor and they are 6days old, can I still grow them outdoor?? It would be my first outdoor grow and the weather is just right, here in socal. Anybody recomend anything...
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    Gummy Worms!!!

    HI there so I've cooked from brownies to cookies and even cakes with my cannabutter, but I always had the urge of making gummy worms. Anybody have any idea how to make them give some advice please.
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    Stress, chronic and kush

    SO I been wondering how do you know if your plant is stress, chronic or kush? Or do you make them to these way??
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    Seed arival?

    So I ordered some white widow seeds how long does it take to arrive to my location?
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    Seed arival?

    So I ordered some white widow seeds how long does it take to arrive to my location?
  10. M

    48 hrs of no light before I change into flowering stage???

    Hey I heard(rumors) that some people turn off there light to their plant for 48hrs before they do the transition into flowering stage?? Is that true or just retarded to do??
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    Starting right away with 12/12 or slowly take off time?

    So I heard that sometimes your plants could into shock if you go to 12/12 when you start the flowering stage. Would it be better if one week before I just lower the time by half hour everyday until I reach 12/12?
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    how to prune my plants????

    hey well just like many other newbies they always wonder if they have to prune there plants?? anybody with some good advice so i wont hurt my plants please help thanks.:leaf:
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    First time grower am I doing it right??

    hey well this is my first grow how am I doing?? Im about to start flowering stage I dont think I have enough lights? [/IMG][/IMG]
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    Hiw can I cover up the smell??? HELP..

    Hey there,well my plants are staring to smell pretty good, but I need to cover up the smell from my brother and those nosie neighbors hahaha any suggestion would really help thank you..:wall:
  15. M

    Help with lights please!!!!

    Hi there well im about to start flowering stage and I dont know if I have enough light for my plants(5 in closet) I been using a led light 90w that =400w four florecent tubes 34w each and a big cfl that is 62w that =300w is that enough light?? I was thinking of getting the 357 magnum led light...
  16. M

    Flowering stage nut mix??? HELP please..

    Hi there well I'm a first time grower(indoor/closet/soil) and I have four amazing plants growing and I'm gonna put them on 12/12 like in a week they are about 23" tall. I was just wondering if its ok to feed it sensi bloom A and B, bud ignitor, big bud, voodoo juice, rhino skin, bud candy and...