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  1. M

    Mattysville's multi strain 400w medical grow

    This is going to be my first grow journal but not my first grow. I've been growing for about 2 years everything from soil to hydro to aero. I've decided this time to track my progress on here and get hint and tips from my fellow growers. The seeds I am germinating now are all from Attitude. I've...
  2. M

    Bubble hash mixed with trim for bho does it work?

    As the title suggests I'm curious to see if I can mix bubble in with my trim to make BHO? I made a batch of bubble but none of it melts I wanted to get the impurities out of it and honestly I prefer oil anyway. Anybody else tried it with success? Also what kind of yields did you get from it. Say...
  3. M

    Colloidal Silver

    So as many of you know i've been looking into breeding and seed making in general. I have a Super lemon haze mother plant from a friend from fem seeds that I really want to keep in seed form. I've been thinking and researching colloidal silver topical treatment. If it works so well why are there...
  4. M

    Had an idea last night would like some input

    Soi was thinking as I was transplanting some girls last night what if I mixed some rooting powder in with the coco and perlite. Would it allow the roots to gow faster into the new media? I think next batch of seedlings I transplant I will powder half and see which ones fill out the new pots...
  5. M

    First try at breeding.

    I just collected pollen and did some crossing between my Morocan Black (hash plant) and Super Lemon Haze. Also made F1's of Morocan Black (2 phenos of females) all crosses done with same male. The Super Lemon Haze was a great accidental aquisition. It was a mislabeled clone that was supposed...
  6. M

    Anyone Heard of 11th State Consults?

    hey i found a consultation place on another forum i think they are called 11th State Consults. Anyone ever heard of them or used them? I need to get my card but without a primary doc it's hard to find one that'll take my insurance. I use cannabis to deal with sever lower back pain...