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  1. ganja master

    magic mushroom spore prints

    does anyone know any good sites to buy magic mushroom spore prints?
  2. ganja master

    Curling leaves

    ok so i posted i thread about this but i got no replies and now its much worse the leaves are dying and falling off and they are curling upwards and turning yellow if anmyone has an idea how to fix this please le me know! i will try and post some pics later
  3. ganja master

    Leaves yellowing and dying please help (pics)

    ok so this has been going on for a while now and i haven't relly done anything about it and it seemed not to get any worse but when i checked on them today i noticed that more leaves were turning yellowish and some were brittle and dry at the tips and one leaf was curling under itself does...
  4. ganja master

    leaves dying (PICS)

    ok so this has happended to me already but i haven't figured out a way to fix it some of the leaves on my plants are drying out turning yellow curling and i've already had to remove 2 leaves from each plant so if anyone knows how to fix this please help thanks in advance
  5. ganja master

    leaves have spots and are brittle help! (PICS)

    ok so just to let you know im a complete newbie at growing and my plants are 15 days old and just went to water them and i noticed that the leaves were dry and brittle and 1 leave actually cracked when i touched it also ther a bit droopy and there is dark spots on it and its only dry and brittle...
  6. ganja master

    leaves have spots and are brittle help! (PICS)

    ok so just to let you know im a complete newbie at growing and my plants are 15 days old and just went to water them and i noticed that the leaves were dry and brittle and 1 leave actually cracked when i touched it also there is dark spots on it and its only dry and brittle around the edges does...
  7. ganja master

    Are my plants normal?..(PICS)

    my plants are 10 days old but I've seen pics of other plants on this site that were younger than mine but they were more developed i have a fan ocillating on 24/7 and i have 2 23 watt cfl's and 2 fluorescent lights that are 1 1/2 feet long and the lights are on 18/6 and the lights are about 1-2...
  8. ganja master

    orange mold (PICS)

    ok so i came home from work a few days ago and i noticed theat there was some kind of orangish yellowish mold starting to develope on the soil and i didn't pay to much attention to this but now its been a few days and it is definetly spreading. my plants are only 10 days old and i put a fan in...
  9. ganja master

    mold problem Please help save my plants!.....(PICS)

    ok so i came home from work a few days ago and i noticed theat there was some kind of orangish yellowish mold starting to develope on the soil and i didn't pay to much attention to this but now its been a few days and it is definetly spreading. my plants are only 10 days old and i put a fan in...
  10. ganja master

    fan question

    so i have just recently started my first grow and i was wondering wether its bad to have my fan blowing directly on my plants im not to sure if its a good thing because they're only about 1 week old so if anyone could let me know about my fan setup it would be greatly appreciated.
  11. ganja master

    pest problem please help!

    this is my first grow and i just started 2 days ago and i noticed that 1 of my seeds started to sprout out of the soil i was inspecting it and i saw these little white bugs crawling on it if any one knows how to get rid of them please help!