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  1. P

    seedling in urgent condition, yellowing and droopy leaves: what to do?

    I tried my luck at growing some Mary. I had 8 seeds that I've collected over time. Only 1 germinated. I planted her in a mixture of sandy soil and miracle grow. (about half and half)...At first there was problems because I had here upside down. Hours later I flipped her the right way once I...
  2. P

    Did the seed break off? Urgent and extremely unsure of which end to plant..0.0

    I'm new to this, and have not got an actual grown plant out of anything yet... I started with 8 seeds (I'm pretty sure..), and it my paper towel, there is STILL 8 seeds.... The 'sprout' (seedling, or w/e you call it...) is about 3 in. tall.... one end is greenish-brownish and appears to...
  3. P

    marijuana seed just germinated-which way is it planted?

    SWIM was germinated some old seeds in hoped of getting some personal smoke, since the economy is so bad and no one has any money any more. SWIM noticed that one germinated VERY quickly and got about 3 in. long. However, they noticed that at one end, appears to be something that is split in...
  4. P

    newbie grower, with little resources.

    I'm moving soon, into a new trailer with me dad. He knows I smoke, but I don't want to mention growing to him as I'm not sure what he would say (he used to grow and all and he's cool with me smoking, but I don't know if he would approve of me growing). I have maybe a dozen or so seeds that I've...