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  1. whiplasher2

    Bag seed update!!!

    Took advice, and held off on the watering. She has perked up alot! How does she look for a bagseed? Im about go put her into flowering... Thanks -Onelove
  2. whiplasher2

    Results of Bagseed grow

    Got 2 CFLS on her, about to go into flowering. How's she look?? She had that powerdery mildew, so i bought some spray and it killed it, and then she spurted 3 inches in 2 days. Posted a pic thanks -one love
  3. whiplasher2

    healthy leaves, but drooping???

    What could be wrong? I water every like 5-6 days, and only 2 cups Thanks -One love
  4. whiplasher2

    First grow quick question......

    So my grow is cheap, and I have 2 cfls for one plant, and It is almost 3 weeks old, and not that tall. It has some mature leaves, but the first 4 leaves were yellow and dying, so I gave them more N, and I don't over water, so I decided to pluck the first 4 leaves. Is this ok? My plant grows...
  5. whiplasher2

    1st grow. Is this normal?

    So this sprout is today, 2 wks old, and it just looks odd lol. A leaf is growing out of the middle, and just leaves are growing, and it doesn't seem to want to grow vertically. Here's some pictures, this is my first grow, so maybe it's fine, and I just don't know what to look for. Does it look...
  6. whiplasher2

    First grow(Pics)suggestions wanted

    Hey all, I had one Lemon G seed, germinated it, and planted the germinated seed on tuesday. Tell me what you guys think, I dont have advanced things, but is the size for 3 days old ok? Thanks all suggestions wanted! Happy Holidays
  7. whiplasher2

    First post. Quick Question

    So last year I had some Lemon G, and found a seed in the bag. Germinated it, and planted it last night. Put seran wrap on it, and stowed it away in my closet. Today, The seed is rising above the soil? Lol, I know the roots grow down, but is the seed supposed to do that?? Thanks One love