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  1. dannyboy602

    Is my plant a dude?

    Hidee ho dudes and dudettes...first time friend says my plant is a male but I'm not too sure. I wanted to get the skinny from you fine people. Please please tell me my baby ain't a broski.
  2. dannyboy602

    High heat and growing veggies

    Is anyone here growing a veg garden in real high temps? Like above 100? I'm in the sonoran desert. My tomatoes won't set fruit. Everything looks like shit. Its all wilting and I water enough I know I do. I just hate what I'm seeing. I used to think I was good at this but not this year. Not in...
  3. dannyboy602

    I love New York

    Police in Manhattan will no longer prosecute people for possessing or smoking pot. Also Mayor Bill de Blassio announced police will no longer arrest people for smoking in public. Could this be the...
  4. dannyboy602

    Happy Friday the 13th

  5. dannyboy602

    How do I get out of a speeding ticket?

    53 in a 40 he says. Then slips me a ticket that says 56 in a 40. $200 fucking dolars? You gotta be kiddin me. Smile, "yeah I'll slow down officer". I'll see you in court mother fucker. Maybe I can do community service? Maybe I can spend a weekend in the pokie? Haha. A smorgasbord for me, oh...
  6. dannyboy602

    Goji goodness

    Anyone growing goji berries? They're a nutrient dense superfood rich in anti oxidants and protein. I've been buying packages and eating them a lot but they're pricey so I'm gonna start some seeds and plant them in large pots. Lycium barbarum also called wolf berry, matrimony vine and boxthorn...
  7. dannyboy602

    Happy Cinco de Meow

  8. dannyboy602

    Question for x meth users

    I have this room mate. His name is James. He's originally from Oregon. He was a hardcore meth user for years and "found God" after his wife died. His two kids were taken away by the court. James is a simple guy. Real simple. He mumbles and has full conversations with his chihuahua whose name is...
  9. dannyboy602

    Any Tucson tokers here?

    Let's get together and spark one up. I got my med card.
  10. dannyboy602

    How to grow autos properly

    throw em in the trash Works for me. Feel free to chime in.
  11. dannyboy602

    Brady Bunch mom dies at 82

    You know her and Greg were fucking like bunnies, right?
  12. dannyboy602

    Clones in the valley

    anyone know where to find some decent clones here? Ima start a new jawn and don't want to wait for seeds to come from the uk. Hmu with thoughts or pm me if you're on the dl.
  13. dannyboy602

    Anyone have any experience using Diatomacious earth

    In ur soil mix or use as a pesticide. Just curious. Thx.
  14. dannyboy602

    It gets bigger...

    ...and someday you'll have to use it to kill a guy haha don't blame me if I only have a one track mind
  15. dannyboy602

    Another quick question about nuts

    Ha Got eeem
  16. dannyboy602

    Introducing Vagina Beer

    You guys will totally buy it. Let me know how it was. I'll hold out for something a little more, well, penis!
  17. dannyboy602

    Bye Bye Bowie

    Dead at 69 from cancer. I'll miss him. He was my hero.
  18. dannyboy602

    Feminist Blogger Bakes Bread With Yeast From Her Own Vagina

    I kid you not How do you take your bread? Maybe you’re partial to a French baguette with lashings of strawberry jam. Or perhaps you’re a fan of toasted ciabatta beneath a bed of scrambled eggs. Or if you’re extra fancy you might opt for a slice of focaccia oozing with balsamic, onion, tomato...
  19. dannyboy602


    I sometimes like to eat before bed. Makes it easier to sleep. Tonight I ate a bowl of granola and just as I'm getting into bed I notice this guy on the wall. Biggest fricken spider I've seen outside of a zoo. I had to catch the dam thing and let it outside cuz if I didn't I wont sleep at all...
  20. dannyboy602

    explanation thread exposing certain guys

    Some things need to be exposed Like father like son Needs more exposure Too much exposure Plummers exposure...notice the exposed zitt? Say my name hahahaha He looked better in orange Thats better