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  1. G

    Russian Anti-Terror Troops Arrive in Syria Hopefully Russia is for real and will get to the bottom of who is really causing all the trouble in Syria. Are you listening MOSSAD, Al Qaeda, US Special Forces, SAS? Like I say, I hope...
  2. G

    Snowden story sounds fishy to me

    Highschool dropout... Dating a stripper... Posted several questionable comments online... Now I don't think there is anything wrong with what he did - I question how he passed the $100,000 background check. Either someone dropped the ball big time or this is just another covert operation...
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    Why the drama???

    Why are some of the people on this site such drama queens - any idea Buck?
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    Dropped the ball on this one :(

    Well, I let my querkle go way too long before putting in flower and now I don't know what to do. She is only 4 inches below the hood (a 3'x3' hood) and just about takes up the whole 4'x4' tent. Should I get her out of the tent and go vertical grow? Tie her down? Trim her way the fuck back and...
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    Anyone ever use CO2 to fight pests?!?

    If anyone here has ever used CO2 to fight aphids or spider mites, can you please check me out here? I need some help. I'm not 100% sure as to how to use CO2 to control pests but I'd like to "flood" a 4x4x7 tent with CO2 @ approx. 15,000 PPM to kill pests - I've read that only 1-2 hours under...
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    IRS scandal is a ploy to get Benghazi off the front page

    Looks like its working :P
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    Stephen Hawking Joins Boycott Against Israel

    He must be a Nazi and holocaust denier :P
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    UN investigator 'stupefied by Syrian opposition sarin use'

    Gee, guess I was right about Israeli, US, UK backed rebels using chemical weapons as a false flag attack to try to set up Syria... So all you israeli-firster dumbasses that said Syria did it can go suck a nut :D
  9. G

    War with Syria has begun - Israel causing world chaos, once again...

    I feel bad for Syria... But maybe my precious metals will go up tomorrow :/ *sigh*
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    SURPRISE! Boston fairytale falling apart!

    Gee, what a shocker... The Feds and Boston Police can't keep their stories straight about anything it seems. But don't take my word for it - I'm considered a conspiracy wack-job on this site...
  11. G

    Well, if you believe in the 2nd Amendment, Obama has a surprise for you...

    Our country is under attack and Obama is focused on disarming citizens in violation of the 2nd Amendment. New backdoor import ban of all parts kits and hi cap mags After Senate setback, Obama quietly moving forward with gun regulation A Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Final...
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    911 Revisited Poll

    Do you believe the gubberments version of what transpired on 911? Why or why not?
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    Glenn Beck to Obama - Come clean or else!!!!! According to Glenn, this is gonna change the world - let's see :P
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    Air Force Major General Assassinated?

    A two-star Air Force general and his wife died Friday after the single-engine plane he was piloting crashed less than a mile from the runway at Williamsburg-Jamestown Airport. Maj. Gen. Joseph D. Brown IV had been serving as commandant of the Dwight D. Eisenhower School for National Security...
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    Officials in Israel Stress Readiness for a Lone Strike on Iran

    Officials in Israel Stress Readiness for a Lone Strike on Iran By ISABEL KERSHNER JERUSALEM — With Chuck Hagel scheduled to begin his first visit to Israel as secretary of defense on Sunday, Israeli defense and military officials issued explicit warnings this week that Israel was...
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    Best to turn your speakers down for this one...
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    Navy SEALs spotted at Boston bombing.

    Two Navy SEALs were spotted at the Boston bombing... Obviously SEALs aren't stupid so they aren't suspects - even though they both had pretty big backpacks - they wouldn't be up to no good wearing known SEAL hats. But it begs the question - if this whole "bomb squad training exercise" was...
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    They hate us for our freedoms
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    Home search for growing vegetables!
  20. G

    How many USA vets here?

    Just curious as to how many of us are here on RIU. When I was in the Army, I was a brainwashed American idiot. I bought into all the "might equals right" bullshit. Looking back, I can't believe who I was. Now I know everything has been done before. Nothing new. The chicken hawks are...