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  1. ballemason

    Heard that glass sheilded light prevents the color change of trics, is it true?

    So the other day while at a dispensary I frequent. I began talking about my eagerness to harvest and how I had read recently, on here I believe, that THC is at it's most potent while still clear just turning milky as apposed to the milky turning amber that most everybody goes by. I know/read...
  2. ballemason

    Heard that glass sheilded light prevents the color change of chrystals?

    So the other day while at a dispensary I frequent. I began talking about my eagerness to harvest and how I had read recently, on here I believe, that THC is at it's most potent while still clear just turning milky as apposed to the milky turning amber that most everybody goes by. I know/read...
  3. ballemason

    Three Strains a Charm: 31 day update

    Three Strains a Charm: 31 day update GrapeKrush-Dominate(Mother-GrapeKrush/Father-?) C.S.Co "21"(T1E3) Plant #2-Short Phenotype C.S.Co "21"(T1E3) Plant #5-Tall Phenotype (Smelly:razz:) All The Girls
  4. ballemason

    average Flower time for Grape Krush

    Anybody with some hands on harvest times would be great. Thanx all
  5. ballemason

    Soil Flush Help from all you pot gurus

    So is it safe to flush my 70/30 peat/soil mix. I have used pretty much only compost, bone meal and fish emultion mixed in for nutrients. However my GrapeKrush looks alot like it's either burned or locked up. Not sure here are some pics. 22 days into flower when the pics were taken, has gotton...
  6. ballemason

    Three Strains a Charm: Is this normal

    My girls in flower have been getting brown tips-loss of color-dry/brown fingers on a totally yellow leaf. Seems to be older inner and fan leafs working from the bottom up. They are 25 days into 11.5/12.5-light/dark.
  7. ballemason

    Three Strains a Charm:24 Days in Flower/GrapeKrush&"21", Got a few Problems

    All and all the girls look great from above nice bud sites starting to get frosty and such. However down at pot level there be trouble. The first set of pics with the four leafs is my GrapeKrush, she budded first and frosted before "21" I have done 1 weak flushing about week into flower fallowed...
  8. ballemason

    Lock out? Nutrient Def? Plain stupidity?

    Guys meet Grape Krush. She's 11 days into flower at time of pic. I moved her int her flower mix aprox. 3 weeks ago. 6 gal. pot/ bottom 3" - 2 prt peat/2 prt Permagreen Brand. Mushroom Compost/ 1 part play sand/1 prt perlite. Then 1" and fill dirt made up of, 2 part peat/ 1prt flwr soil...
  9. ballemason

    Rust mold or Nutrient Def

    My grape Krush has had this the most, thats where the pics came from. But a fex others have had similar probs just not as bad or have gone away. They all get the same soil mix, no extra fert needed so far that I know. Somebody help me
  10. ballemason

    Three Strains a Charm

    Veg Rm Specs: - 3' W x 5.5' D x 3.5'-7' H. (under a staircase) - 4 bulb 4' T8/32w fixture, 2 cool white, 2 warm white. Hang from chains. - 2- 2 bulb 4' T12/40w fixtures each with one cool white and one warm white. Mounted on the wall behind plants. - one 12"or so, table top fan, should be...
  11. ballemason

    Three Strains a Charm: Passive cooling

    Veg Rm Specs: - 3' W x 5.5' D x 3.5'-7' H. (under a staircase) - 4 bulb 4' T8/32w fixture, 2 cool white, 2 warm white. Hang from chains. - 2- 2 bulb 4' T12/40w fixtures each with one cool white and one warm white. Mounted on the wall behind plants. - one 12"or so, table top fan, should be...
  12. ballemason

    Three Strains the Charm

    Veg Rm Specs: - 3' W x 5.5' D x 3.5'-7' H. (under a staircase) - 4 bulb 4' T8/32w fixture, 2 cool white, 2 warm white. Hang from chains. - 2- 2 bulb 4' T12/40w fixtures each with one cool white and one warm white. Mounted on the wall behind plants. - one 12"or so, table top fan, should be...
  13. ballemason

    Will a male mature under 18/6 photo period

    I a have a male "21" with strong genetics that I am trying to collect pollen from to play mad scientist with. I chopped the top rooted it and contained him to prevent uncontrolled pollination of my ladies. I kept the bottom half incase I kill the top before I get pollen. I put the bottom in the...
  14. ballemason

    Can I vent my grow room out my furnace exhaust

    My Grow area is right next to my furnace venting going out to the roof. Can I use only a wye fitting to tap in, or do I need to put a backdraft damper in to prevent exhaust leakage back into the grow room when the fan is off. I am on a shoe string budget and am trying to save $$. I would make it...