Search results

  1. SinSimian

    Temp issues due to panda film...?

    Have any of you had problems with temps because of panda film's insulatiive and reflective properties? I've seen people use the black side inside the tops of tents and such. Perhaps to push the heat the other direction, out of the tent.? Does this have an impact of the temp inside?
  2. SinSimian

    Bigger Box, Bigger Temp Issues...Plz Help.

    Thanks for taking a look. I'm trying to get a bigger flowering area set up. I have a grow shelf that's 5' wide, 1.5' deep, and 3' high. 23 cubic feet. It's wrapped with panda film. I want to use two 40w and four 23w 2700k cfls. 172w. The actual square footage I'll use in the tent to grow...
  3. SinSimian

    Calcium, Magnesium, & Brer Rabbit

    I used to use MG but for obvious reasons I've stopped. I'd used Lilly Miller's Alaskan Fish Fertilizer (5-1-1) in the past with fairly good results so I've switched back to that. I used epsom salts with both ferts for a source of magnesium and I've often added molasses for carbs. I was...
  4. SinSimian

    Indoor Garden Lighting, Help.

    I'm putting together an indoor gardening area. Unfortunately, the only space I really have available doesn't get any light to speak of. My area is between 3' and 4' long and about 2' deep. I am planning on growing a couple flats of lettuce, some small tomatoes, a few pots of carrots...
  5. SinSimian

    Topped a new clone with humidity rot?

    I was rooting these clones and the tops ended up rotting due to too much humidity. There was new growth in the nodes below the rot so I topped them while they were still rooting. I also left the top off of my cloner. The roots have since grown strong and I have since transplanted them into...
  6. SinSimian

    Chief of Police

    The chief of police is in my office right now. LOL. Glad he's here about the pound and not my internet use.
  7. SinSimian

    Left A Light On

    I left a light on above my flowering tent last night. It was just a single 20 watt cfl but I'm still a little freaked. There may be a few places light can get in. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. If they did revert back to veg, how long before they start budding again?
  8. SinSimian

    THC vs. Lights

    If a plant is to close to a light source is it possible that forming trichomes could prematurely become amber thus causing a lower thc count?
  9. SinSimian

    microscope - great view for under $5!

    I've read that some people have trouble getting a good view of trichomes with the Radio Shack pocket microscopes due too unstable support. Because there is a huge population of cheap bastards on RIU I quested for a scope that would satisfy those empty pockets and the need for stability. I...
  10. SinSimian

    T5's and Temperature

    How much heat do t5 panels put out? I'm considering purchasing either a 4'x4 bulb or a 4'x8 bulb.
  11. SinSimian

    Sea Solids and Miracle Gro for Hydro?

    I'm researching hydroponics for my next expiremental grow. I can't really afford all the spendy store-bought nutes. I like the idea of compost tea but it seems there is lots of extra cleaning involved as far as pump hoses, stones, and reservoirs. I came across this article and so far it's the...
  12. SinSimian

    LST & Pruning Question

    In regards to lst, should I do a bit of pruning to expose more growing tips to light? Cut back the fan leaves or actually remove them?
  13. SinSimian

    Thermometer vs Lights?

    I decided to raise my three little plants closer to the lights (3x23w 2700k cfls) in my pc case. They're 3-4 inches from them. I have 2x80mm exhaust fans, in line with the lights, blowing out the back of the case (passive fan hole intake). It's only been an hour since I raised them and my temp...
  14. SinSimian

    Quick & Easy PC Fan Stand

    You'll need a hanger and your pc fan that you've attached to a 12v dc adapter. Bend the hanger until it resembles a stand of some kind. Slip the hanger ends into the pc fan's screw holes. Bend the hanger ends so the fan won't come off. Plug in and start circulating! This stand allows for the...
  15. SinSimian

    Could I have waited to switch to 12/12?

    Four days ago I switched these plants to 12/12. After raising them up towards the light I realized I may have been able to veg a bit longer. Could I have vegged longer? If so could I still safely return them to veg (showing no sex, yet)?
  16. SinSimian

    I started a grow which started my whole world laughing...

    Hi everyone, I germinated my first seed a few months ago. Now I have a mini-stealth-cfl garden. I only really started to document earlier this month so some of my days may be a bit off. Here is my fairly standard set-up. DIY Mini-Stealth Grow Tent (veg, clone, etc) - emergency blankets...