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  1. L

    Organic Soil Question

    Posted this over in the organic section got views but no replys. Well I've decided to start a grow cabinet and have been gathering my materials for a little while now and I have a question regarding growing with organic soil / nutrients. I have some nice organic top soil, perlite, worm...
  2. L

    Organic Soil Question

    Well I've decided to start a grow cabinet and have been gathering my materials for a little while now and I have a question regarding growing with organic soil / nutrients. I have some nice organic top soil, perlite, worm castings (1-0-0), two kinds of bat guano (13-1.5-3 and 0.5-35-0.1) and...
  3. L

    Browning with spots?

    More pics in bottom URL's. 33 Days old, watered with nutes once two waters ago. Last watering straight water. 12/12 now for 2 days. Here is a picture of a bottom leaf 8 days ago: My last watering I used e-salts as someone recommended...
  4. L

    Potiental Problem, with Pic.

    Th large bottom most leaves are starting to turn yellow and the very tips are turning almost brown, it feels dry and brittle. The upper leaves are not yellowing. My water is good less then 100ppm and pH is a little under 7. I did give it nutes 4-5 days ago at around 250ppm of nutes. In the...
  5. L

    Growing for DMT

    I will be growing indoors and can control as much of the environment as you can growing weed. I have about an ounce of phalaris arundinacea seeds how would you grow these indoors and what light cycles would you use? Any help at all would be great. :hump:
  6. L

    Headcandy: Sidney's Psychedelic Adventure

    Anyone actually own that? Here is a link on IMDB. Apparently this movie comes with special glasses haha. So any thoughts. :blsmoke:
  7. L

    New Bong

    Bought a PHX Duo single perc about a week ago and boy do I love it. Smoooth hits... bongsmilie bongsmilie I do plan on buying a ashcatcher soon, makes cleaning easier I find. When I get home from work I can put up a couple pics. :blsmoke: Edit: Pic added.