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    Question on Perpetual setup/Plants per wattages

    hey I am going to be using one or two 600 Watt HPS lights and a 600w MH for vegetative growth.\ I was going to try and do a perpetual growth system this time. with threeT5 HO's for the seedlings also and then I will move 4 plants along the system each week with two lights and 4 every two weeks...
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    Fluorescent T5 or HPS/MH?

    I already bought one 24w 6400k T5 HO bulb and set up. I was wondering how many seedlings this light could grow because I plan on getting a few more since it was cheaper than getting a two light system. I was hoping to be able to get at least 5 to 10 plants underneath each 24'' light fixture...
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    Would you reccomend these lights? Is HTGsupply reliable?

    Hey I am ordering lights for a setup, I was going with two 600 watt MH/HPS convertible from HTGSupply. Are these guys a reliable sight? And also do you think it's worth it for the extra $50 for the Lumatek or is that just kind of a buying a "Brand-Name" product. Here's the page for the...
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    Do CFLs make your buds compact and tight?

    I was reading Jorge Cervantes book "Marijuana Grow Basics" and under the lighting section it said that CFLs make the buds tight and more compact. If what the book says is true, what I was wondering was if I had some plants under two 400 watt hps/mh lights and some CFLs near the top-middle at...
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    Where Can I Smoke Medical Marijuana in California

    Hey I've had my recommendation for a while and was wondering if it is legal to smoke outside of my house. If so where can I.
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    how tall can i let my plants grow in this room

    Hey I'm about to start growing and was wondering how tall a plant could get indoors in a room that is 8 feet tall. i assumed since the size of the light and spacing from the plants would be about a foot total and the height of the pots is about that. so they would have about 5-6ft to grow right...
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    How To Build Grow Room Frame 4x8x8 or 4x8x7

    Hey I want to build a grow tent/room because i can't tear up all the carpet but i can use the whole room. I wanted to build a clone and mother room, is there a good thread on that? Also, I don't know anything about frames or what i would need to build it for holding lgihts and what not. So if...
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    Sea of Green style Questions

    Alright, I want to do SOG inside with soil. How big of a pot per plant do I use, I've heard one gallon per one foot of growth. And with the size of the plants how would I set this up within a 4x8x8 grow room and is there a thread of something saying how much water and nutrients to use. I...
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    How to make weed butter good

    hey i was gonna make some cannabutter and was wondering how much to use per stick. i was going to use a half ounce for one stick and use it in brownies is that good or is there a good thread on how to make dank butter and then how to use it in brownies. thank you
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    Making a Beginner Grow Room

    OK, so I'm growing inside and needed to know if it would be easier to construct a grow room because it can be 8 feet tall(I can't use the room itself) or order one like this. - If I did build it, is there a good thread on...
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    Cannabutter Ratios Per Person

    Hey, I couldn't find any good answers in the search engine so my bad if there is an answer im new at this site. Anyways, I wanted to take a break from smokin my medication and wanted to make some nice brownies. I was wondering how much cannabis to use per person in a brownie batch. I was...