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    Is LED bad for your eyes?

    Is LED light bad for your eyes, lol woops. Hey guys I was just wondering if the LED light was bad for your eyes, of course not staring directly at the light but me just working in my garden, I just got the light today, never used LEDs before and when I hooked it up I realized the light is a...
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    Question about Hesi nutes...

    Dumb question but I'm using a soil less mix and planning on buying one of the Hesi Starter Kits but I'm not sure which one to get, the Hydro or Soil one.
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    3 month old mothers flowering?

    Ok i have 2 mothers and all of a sudden they just start flowering, the light cycles stayed the same, I even changed changed it to 24 just to see if it would help at all but it didn't.
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    How many plants could fit in a 6x8x6 room?

    Its all enclosed with one door for the entrance.
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    what do you do with a plant that gets to tall indoors?

    Hey guys I have this girl who kind of got away from me she grew a little to big than was neccassary and im wondering what i should do, shes one of my mothers.
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    Anyone heard of the strain Purple Princess?

    Any info on it would be great.
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    Whats up guys another newbie here.
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    Has anyone else bumped their head on there light/lights?

    They seem pretty strong.
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    What are the laws concerning marijuana cultivation in Ontario?

    Hey guys I'm new and i was just wondering what they are.