Search results

  1. BudWhyz

    Come Peek Inside My 800 Watt Grow Tent

    So I didn't realize until today that I had to maintain both a grow journal and a discussion thread separately in order to have a dialogue with other users. I'm not sure that makes it any easier for us lazy folks and procrastinators to keep our journals updated, but I won't complain. Anyway, now...
  2. BudWhyz

    Topping Off a Reservoir without Gravity

    I'm sure this may be simpler than I think it is... What I'm trying to do is place two 54 gallon Roughneck totes side by side: One is the nutrient reservoir and the other is the RO water...
  3. BudWhyz

    Water in the Attic

    How are you guys getting your water upstairs? I have two 50 gallon reservoirs and carrying 100 gallons of water up a flight of stairs isn't conducive to happy growing. So I'm wondering what you attic growers are doing? The guy at the hydro shop told me to get one of these...
  4. BudWhyz

    BudWhyz - 4x4 Table Grow (2013)

    Hey everyone, I've been around the forums a bit lately and decided to start a grow journal. I won't promise any regularity in updates, but I'll do my best. bongsmilie Here's the specs and I'll discuss it in a little more detail after... Location: Indoors Environment: Grow Tent (Hydrofarm Light...
  5. BudWhyz

    Pressure Treated Lumber

    I need to build a table for my 4'x4' flood tray and I have a couple questions I was hoping to get answers to before I give it a go in the morning. (I searched and couldn't find any threads or information on this.) I bought both regular and pressure treated lumber. (Long story short, my cell...
  6. BudWhyz

    Hot Water Bong Hits

    I searched RIU and didn't find any threads on this. I was curious if putting hot or boiling water would produce steam that would help expand the lungs for a better hit. I found a couple answers on some other boards, but I wanted to add the information here for anyone interested. It appears the...
  7. BudWhyz

    Grow Tent Holes Too Small For Large Ducting

    I just picked up a 10" MaverickSun Wind God fan for a great price at my local grow shop. I wanted to go bigger than necessary on the CFM's to avoid any upgrades in the near future so I was looking at the 10" Max Fan before this, but Maverick's price tag beat them to it. I'm also planning on...