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  1. P

    High Output fluorescent lights

    are HO lights worth spending the extra money on? i'd like to get some fluorescents for a small veg box. just for clones/seeds/mothers. i was considering this from home depot for $20...
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    when LST'ing, when do you release the hooks?

    i understand that the purpose of LST is to get the canopy almost level so that the bud sites are getting an equal amount of light. however, what i don't understand is how/when to untie them and let them stretch (if ever).
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    Can Caregivers Buy From Dispensaries?

    i'd like to become a caregiver for a friend and was wondering if caregivers can buy clones and stuff from dispensaries?
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    when switching to flowering...

    my normal schedule was 9am-3am while i was vegging. (18/6) today at 10am the lights were on for 1 hour and i remembered i was going to switch to flowering today. since i want to take advantage of the cooler night temps, i decided to switch to 11pm - 11am. so i set my timers for such...
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    i dont think im overwatering?

    seedlings about 9 days from sprouting. they are in tiny pots and about 3 inches from a 42 watt CFL. im running the light on 24/7. the thing is, i water them fully, and they'll be really dry in less than a day. i'll poke the dirt and the dirt is VISIBLY dry and feels dry at least an inch...
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    is my seedling dead?

    my seedling is about a week old, and had its 2nd set of leaves growing. when it sprouted, my lights were too far and it stretched quite a bit and while trying to prop it up, i accidentally cut it at the bottom of the stem. it was really healthy otherwise, but now it's no longer attached to...
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    93 degrees, too hot?

    im doing the 2 rubbermaid setup and i have 2 exhaust fans up top and 2 intakes on the bottom. getting about 93 degrees for the temperature and 35% humidity ( i realize thats pretty low) will the temperature be alright to grow in?
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    socal weather question

    If i were to take a clipping/clone and plant it outside right now(i live in socal), what would happen to it? would it veg/flower/neither? reason i ask is because the temperature in socal is still like 80+ and theres plenty of sunshine still.
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    ONA vs. carbon filters

    which would be more effective at eliminating the odor in a closet? a duct leading to a carbon filter or a fan placed down into some ONA pro. the fan is next to the grow box, but not connected in anyway.
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    intake or exhaust?

    which one should be the stronger fan? the one blowing air in, or the one blowing air out?
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    Need Help Hanging A Light

    i'm regretting getting one long power strip instead of two because it is pretty heavy. i need a way to basically attach my lights to the lid of my rubbermaid securely enough that i won't have to worry about the lights falling/breaking. here is a picture to demonstrate basically, i only...
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    what's the shortest veg cycle you've done?

    just curious as to what the shortest veg cycle anyones done and had a pretty decent harvest.
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    what is the optimal hood design?

    i made a long fixture that holds my 6 CFL lights. before i make a reflector for it, i'd like to know whats the most optimal for maximum light? the first model or the second?
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    how many plants with a 150 watt HPS

    is 3 plants pushing it, or is that a reasonable amount?
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    first grow check list

    i haven't ordered it yet, but here's what im planning on for my first grow. i'll be spending about $270. let me know if im missing anything, or paying too much, etc. Flora Nova Grow - Quart $20.95 Flora Nova Bloom - Quart $20.95 Sun System HPS 150 Grow Light System $79.95...
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    how strong is the smell?

    I was thinking of doing a small grow in my closet. the container would be some rubbermaid tubs. i've read that the smell gets pretty potent, but i'd like to know HOW potent are we talking? will it be unbearable for me in my room, and bother my roommates in my house as well? or if the odor...
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    hello, i'm still new to all this and had a newb question. since it is fall, if i were to get a hold of some clones and grow them outside for the flowering process, would it grow faster outdoors or indoors? also, since it's fall, is it too late to get some seeds and start the whole...