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  1. blacklableboy44

    Blueberry needs help!

    hey guys this is my dutch passion blueberry tied over, thats in its third week of flowering, nd startin to get some bad leaf color changes on the lower leaves. ne ideas on wat it is nd wat i should do about it. plus rep for advice that helps.
  2. blacklableboy44

    blueberry lower leaves turnin a shade of yellow

    hey, my dutch passion bb is in its 3rd week of flowering, nd some of the lower leaves are starting to turn yellow, while the upper leaves are still a healthy green, ne ideas?
  3. blacklableboy44

    blueberry feed schedule

    first time growing blueberry from dutch passion, and ive heard that they are very picky about wat type and how much nutes they get. ive gotten ahold of some organic fish fertilizer that is 2-4-1 and was wondering at what strength and how often to feed her.
  4. blacklableboy44

    neptunes harvest organic nutes

    looking at picking up some of there products for my blueberry plant that i have going, does anybody have ne feedback or info about there products?
  5. blacklableboy44

    Blueberry help

    hey guys, jus startin a blueberry that im gonna lst nd prob tie over, i hear they are very picky about the nutes that u give them, nd how much they get. ne help would b very much appriciated.
  6. blacklableboy44

    yellow spots on leafs!!!!!!

    wats up guys, through last nite my little week old seedling started gettin yellow spots. watta u guys think, maybe light burn, i transplanted too nd used water with nutes in it at bout half strength, so it could b a nute burn. ne body got some advice, nd should i really wrry bout this.
  7. blacklableboy44

    Any info on led grow lights

    does aneybody have any expierence with led grow lights, lookin into switching to those if there ne good.
  8. blacklableboy44

    auto white russian need a little on advice on nutes

    hey wats up guys, i got a auto white russian thats a about four days old growing in some organic soil that is nute free. at what point in time should i start adding nutes, what type, nd how much? ne advice is greatly appreciated
  9. blacklableboy44

    auto white russian grow

    ight, buddy got busted growing so he gave me his last two seeds for auto whie russian. imma try nd grow em now. got one goin rite now in my ceiling tiles wheres the plenty of room for her to grow out. using two 46 watt cfls 2700k. not expecting nething great, but f*** it might as well...
  10. blacklableboy44

    germination problems

    first time grower, have had horrible luck getting seeds to sprout. i now have a five feminized seeds of autoflowering white russian, and would like a solid procedure to getting my seeds to sprout. materials that i have on hand are MG potting soil, solo cups and a 42 watt cfl 2700k. would b...