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  1. S

    Gigantic root germination question

    I started germinating my two Nirvana Ice Fem seeds on Wednesday evening and forgot I was going out of town for the weekend. I figured it was better to let them germinate longer rather than plant w/o daily watering so that's what I let happen. As you can see in the pictures, the root seems to...
  2. S

    Another "My First Grow Ever!"

    Well, I just finished the fight about my smoking habits with my wife a few days ago and I am finally starting my first grow soon. This will have to be a stealth grow. I'm planning on using a closet that she probably hasn't looked at for over a year. Just ordered Nirvana's Fem Ice today that...
  3. S

    Good low cost vape?

    Does anyone suggest a good low cost (ideally under $50.00 but def under $100.00) vaporizer? I see a few around but then see others for $500.00 and more and I don't want to get screwed with a shitty one. I'm sure this has been posted before. If you have a link to another thread that'd be great...
  4. S

    Problems with wife / significant other

    Hello, So this is my first posting on the board but I have been reading a bunch over the last couple of weeks to do some research. Anyways, I had been a regular smoker many many years ago and got out of it for a while. When I met my now wife I wasn't smoking at the time. Over the past few...