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  1. plantsman

    Please explain NPK in a detailed way.

    Guys So I run a SOG grow with fully rooted cuttings put into flower at about 2-3" in height. Unfortunately, for some reason or another they were suffering from a nitrogen deficiency (stunted growth, purple stems and yellow leaves). What I really need to understand (as a professional...
  2. plantsman

    Heat issues

    My dear, dear friends, Im again at your mercy as I have come up against a couple of issues... Firstly: HEAT :fire: I have put up a new HPS light and the temperature has shot through the roof! I had a nice room temperature of 76f which rose immediately to about 95f!! So I have done a couple of...
  3. plantsman

    How do you take cuttings?

    Hi I'm having about a 50/50 success rate with my cuttings. :cry: I have read from other people that some of you are up at 100% :grin:, so I would love some advice from you. My failures are staying upright in the rooting medium but rotting from the bottom of the cutting up inside the stem...
  4. plantsman

    Lower branch leaves curling under...

    Dudes, I am back to be humbled by your help and advice. My grow is going great. Few little buds showing on the plants I didnt mother. And a few cuttings have rooted so everythings great. But, 2 of my mothers have a problem with the leaves on the lower branches. They all seem to be curling...
  5. plantsman

    Cuttings looking sick...

    Sup dudes So i'm taking cuttings of weed plants for the first time and they seem to be suffering a bit... They are all fine and root well in the humidity tray with the cover on, but then when I move them to pots to start vegging the leaves all droop and curl under!! I am wondering if...
  6. plantsman

    Heat problems

    Dudes I am growing in a box 2.5ft x 4.5ft. I have 7 cfl's in there. On an average of 25w per bulb. The problem I have is heat. With the lid closed for anything over an hour it heats up to 100 degrees!! :shock: I usually leave the lid propped up with a fan blowing in it which keeps it down to...
  7. plantsman

    Grrr, what is this yellowing of my leaves and how can i get rid of it

    Hi dudes I am growing for the first time under CFL's and I have a problem with 2 of my strains. They are Citral and Domina Star and both are showing yellow leaves at the bottom (green veins) while the top seem nice and green. I'm pretty sure its a nutrient deficiency but I dont know how to...
  8. plantsman

    Another question about CFL's...yawn!

    Ive never used CFL's so my question is this: Does a standard 2ft fitting bought from a hardware store take T5 and T8 bulbs or is it specific to the fitting purchased? Also how many 2ft T5's would any experienced CFL'ers out there recommend for 8 plants? Thanks again
  9. plantsman

    What the hell is this DROUGHT man?!??!?

    So what the F is going on in the UK at the moment? There is a massive drought all around london. I cant get a fcuking 1/8th anywhere... I'm not actively growing at the moment so I'm shafted. If anyone is brave enough to pm me or help me out in any way then I would be a very grateful and useful...
  10. plantsman

    Amsterdam Grow House(s)

  11. plantsman

    Amsterdam Grow House(s)

    Hi Im looking to move to the Netherlands in the very near future, after a massive change in circumstances, and wonder if any of you know how I could go about getting a job in a grow house? Does anyone know of any websites or has anyone done this before?? Perhaps there is someone reading this...
  12. plantsman

    2 questions...

    Hi Firstly how big is a 3 gallon pot? Im in the UK and we dont measure like that. Whats the diameter of the pot at the top? I know thats a bit lame :confused: but I've tried to find out on google and im not having any joy. Second, im gonna be growing in a room where the electricity may go down...
  13. plantsman

    First time growing Crimea Blue

    Hey you guys... Just bought a couple of packs of crimea blue seeds. I dont know anyone who has grown in before. But I bet one of you guys has. Any probs? How did it yield? Its a VERY lovely smoke I know that much.
  14. plantsman


    Hi people So im a new member to this site, but I used it for my first grow as a thanks, to all out there who post. I did post a thread yesterday asking for some advice (Pot size, sexing advice, soil mixture, lighting... ) but as yet no replies! I wonder if I asked for too much...
  15. plantsman

    Pot size, sexing advice, soil mixture, lighting...

    Hi people I am a new member to your site but a second time grower. For my first grow (closet set up, beautiful end product) I came here for lots of advice, however this time I have a specific question...or two. I also thought it'd be nice to join the community and share my happy experiences...
  16. plantsman

    Pot size, sexing advice, soil mixture, lighting...

    Hi people I am a new member to your site but a second time grower. For my first grow (closet set up, beautiful end product) I came here for lots of advice, however this time I have a specific question... I also thought it'd be nice to join the community and share my happy experiences over...