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  1. J


    Today i heard on the radio that they had black hawks (some type of army helicoptor) flying around that has some type of specal equipment that sees marijuana plants and theyve pulled out of the ground like over 2k plants in Indiana.
  2. J

    planted 4 seeds 2 days ago

    how long till little plant comes up
  3. J

    Well what do you think?

    Lol well guys im ready to get yelled at. Today i planted. I live on the eastcoast and its really hot during the day latley and cold in the morning to 9:00am. So i found a place where they would get decent sun during the day and put 4 seeds in the dirty a lil bit apart watered it put a lil poting...
  4. J

    Is it true or a lie?

    Alright i mite be sounding like a idiot but one of my friends said you can get high off large doses of nutmeg, so i went on youtube and idk alot of vids but is this true?
  5. J


    Well my friend threw some seeds in the ground in a woods. He didnt water it or anything and its been really high temp latley just managing on its own. Well there stunted and not even 4 inches high so how can i get them out of this state and growing again.
  6. J

    Prices around you

    Well if you were purchasing some reg stuff around you how much would u get (gram wise) for 20$