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  1. M

    the legal alternative

    To cocaine is.. COCAINE! (the energy drink). Anyone ever tried this stuff? I drink energy drinks daily and they're ones with just as much or more caffeine than this has in it (it has 280 mg I think), but this drink is a little different. I didn't drink it for awhile because I got sick of it...
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    to those of you who don't know

    RICK ROLLIN than check here before it happens to you Never Gonna Give You Up - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia EDIT: Deleted the link due to angry RIU'ers.. EDIT***: I apoligize to anyone who got pissed off because they clicked any of the links I posted. I found it funny and I thought you...
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    handy tool

    So I stumbled upon this website (literally stumbled upon...using "stumble upon"--go google it) and figured maybe some of you stoners like me could use it. I know I have a HORRIBLE memory and forget to do everything so this is just another way of reminding yourself to do things. It sends you or...
  4. M

    I think..

    I've slept a total of 4 hours in the past three days. Does anybody else suffer from insomnia? Coincidentally, the last time I got a good sleep was also the last day I smoked, hmm. I wish I had some weed right now.. :-?
  5. M

    anyone seen those commercials..

    for the topsy turvy? They're always talking about growing tomatoes upside down but every time I see the commercial I just think of throwing the thing up in a tree and growing weed upside down. I wonder if it's possible/would get any decent results hmm. here's the website -...
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    reefer madness?

    Warning..this is long.. So my sister and her boyfriend were living with my mom for awhile because my sister had a baby (she was 19) and had no where to go. My mom didn't ask them to pay any rent until recently because she wanted to help them out so that her boyfriend could pay off his bills...
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    funny videos

    some funny videos on youtube: mtv's made: I wanna be a stoner YouTube - MTV's MADE: I Wanna Be A Stoner a parody of the bourne ultimatum with Waldo in it (from where's waldo) YouTube - Bourne Parody my new haircut YouTube - My New Haircut post some more videos! :peace::peace::joint::joint:
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    I love watching this video when I'm stoned it's great. And shpongle makes such chill music and they have a unique sound. Go listen! YouTube - Shpongle - Star Shpongled Banner :leaf::leaf::leaf:
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    The conspiracy thread!

    So I love me some good conspiracies. I'm not a crazy crack head conspiracy theorist but I do like to watch conspiracy videos and see the other side of things. Or even just activism videos. So post links to videos/articles/etc. about different conspiracies ! If you haven't seen this movie in...
  10. M

    EASY way to eat weed

    I posted this in the cooking section but figured I'd spread some knowledge here too.. Okay so after hearing before about the firecrackers in the microwave thing I decided to try my own slightly different way since I didn't trust a microwave to work. Here's a little guide of how to do it: 1)...
  11. M

    EASY way to eat weed

    Okay so after hearing before about the firecrackers in the microwave thing I decided to try my own slightly different thing since I didn't trust a microwave to work. Here's a little guide of how to do it: 1) Get yourself some organic peanut butter. Regular peanut butter has all kinds of...
  12. M

    Funny shit

    Homestar runner! Go to: Fun in the Living Room! or just go to youtube and type in homestarrunner or homestar runner. It's a little cartoon series and it's hilarious but even funnier when you're high. Go watch it! :blsmoke: here's some ones to watch.. YouTube - dragon T-TV, TV Show! YouTube...
  13. M

    5-0 stories

    A little story... So I smoked a joint today around 1 with a buddy but then had to go to work at 3. I leave and I'm crusin along and then go to merge on a highway. The f*cker in front of me is going slow as sh*t and I can't stand being stuck behind slow drivers. Nobody is on the highway (when I...
  14. M


    I was just thinking, if you had an unlimited supply of free weed, would you smoke ALL the time or would you control yourself and smoke just as much as you do now?? Would you go about your daily life high all day..just because you can? Basically, my question is.. do you think there is a point...
  15. M


    I think I have "ADD" (attention deficit disorder) since I can't focus for more than 5 minutes on anything and I always have to be doing something with my hands, etc. But at the same time I don't think ADD really exists. It is a human trait that we all possess to varying degrees. I don't believe...
  16. M

    Mmm caffeine

    So after weed, my next most frequently used "drug" is caffeine. I'm always tired from not getting enough sleep, working, smoking, etc. and the caffeine gets me through the day without passing out. Oh, and caffeine and weed can be intense..:blsmoke:. Anyway, what are your favorite drinks/ways to...
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    PA thread

    I dont know if it's just because I'm from Pennsylvania and that makes me have a tendency to notice someone is from PA and then think that a lot of people on here are from PA but maybe there aren't. (or maybe it's just bc i'm high) But anyway.. it seems like there are a lot of people from PA on...
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    I was just was inspired to start a new thread after reading the thread about putting tobacco in joints. Well this thread is all guessed it..joints! A few questions you can discuss: 1) What are your favorite papers? 2) Do you use a filter? If so, what do you usually use? 3) What do...
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    vaped weed

    Hey guys, just wondering if anyone has cooked or made hash with vaped weed?? If so, could you please post how much you used and how you did it. Thanks!:blsmoke:
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    salad fingers

    who has watched this show??? (it's on youtube). It is the creepiest/weirdest cartoon