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  1. Respecognize

    Clipping Fan Leaves prior to Harvest

    I have a buddy who trims his fan leaves a week before harvest. He does it to make trimming easier for him. My question is it harmful or helpful to the buds/plant to do that even with only a week left to harvest?
  2. Respecognize

    How to slow dry when it's too hot???

    So I chopped down my skywalker clone, hung it up in my closet, and in about 24 hours the stems were bending with a slight crack but still had a little moisture. the buds however were super dry. I ended up jarring them to regain moisture but i was wondering if there was things i could do to slow...
  3. Respecognize site shut down???

    I placed an order about 3 weeks ago and havent recieved anything, I emailed the admin but no responses. Today I check the website to see that the "account has been suspended" Does anyone know anything????
  4. Respecognize

    Can Topping Cause Males???

    It seems whenever I top a plant it starts showing its a male within a matter of days. this has happened 4 times so far, and Im wondering if it's because of the topping....
  5. Respecognize

    Outdoors Question

    I have 7 seedlings outside, that I planted about 4 weeks ago. Half have really taken off and look good and healthy, the others arent as big but look good and healthy. I was told tho, that they wont get very big before they start to flower. But they ARE growing good and getting big and my...
  6. Respecognize

    Can I veg indoors and flower outdoors??

    Since it's fall and the time changes and everything, can I veg indoors in a box then move my plants outdoors and let mother nature do the rest???