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    Smoked some great stuff in early 70s called Valdez. A friend went to school in DC and got it stuff i've ever smoked. Anyone ever heard of it? Would like to duplicate.. any thoughts?
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    Lookin for skunky

    What's the skunkiest of the skunk or your favorite? 45 years ago my parents wondered why i loved the smell of dead skunk in the middle of the road... Some things never change !!! Peace:peace:
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    Something New

    One of my seedlings is on its second set of leaves...funny thing is that there are 3 leaves instead of 2..first set had 3 also!!! Rare or not? Thanks!!! PEACE:peace:
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    Joint Doctors Chronic Ryder

    Have had great results with both Easy Ryder and Diesel Ryder from Lowryder...Has anyone tried the Chronic Ryder? Thanks!!! PEACE:peace:
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    Lights on or off?

    Have 10 seeds in rockwool...2 days and 2 are above medium..have been in darkness with 80 degree it time to get the flouros going or wait till more get above surface? Thanks!!! PEACE
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    Germininating problems

    Soaked seeds for 24 hrs until they sank, put into ph balanced rockwool, put in warm dark room, saran wrap over container for moisture,5 days and nothing.Was looking for sprouts on 420. 5 SL Haze & 4LSD . Testing my patience!! Not my first grow but first time it's taken so long!! Any thoughts or...
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    PH drop

    Quick ph dropped from5.9 to 4.5 the last 2 nights... wondering what might cause this fluxuation ...ppm rose from 12 to 1500. 3 afghan kush ryders and 3 diesel ryders 6 weeks old.Lookin good and very stinky!!! Usually I have to add ph down!!! Thanks!!! PEACE
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    New Hanna ph\ EC\Tds meter

    Just received Hanna PH andEC combo meter!! I know where the ph should be but not sure on ec numbers. Girls are 3 weeks old growing in water. Any help or links to help would be appreciated!!! PEACE!!!
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    Any Use For Used MJ After Vaporizing?

    Wondering if used MJ could be used to make butter? Have heard such but found it hard to believe. Wouldn't THC be vapored up? Thanks!!! PEACE
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    Afghan Kush Ryder AF

    Anyone grown Afghan Kush Ryder AF from World of Seeds? Thanks and Peace!!!
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    Nute question

    Hello all!!! I'm growing 6 AF Easy Ryders in the bubbles. Lightly feeding grow nutes for the last week. Girls are almost 3 weeks old and looking very healthy!!! I'm going to be changing water in two 8 gallon res. Was wondering if I should continue with grow nutes or light bloom nutes? I'm using...
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    Hermies roots entangled

    Had 2 plants in bubbles 1 hermied and i cut down. Roots are really entangled!! Should i leave or cut apart? Thanks!!!
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    Hermie in resevoir

    Had 2 plants in bubbleponics and 1 hermied. Cut down!!! Roots are entangled :peace:together.Should I leave them or try and seperate? Thanks for any response!!!
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    Bad seeds

    I'm pissed!!! 10 out 10 seeds germed. 5wks into first grow plants were 26 to 32''.Time to put on12/12.Femed WW from . 2 wks later 8 of the10 are males:evil::evil: LIVE AND LEARN!!! Onto my next gro in my Bubbleponics.Doing 6 easyryders that i got from Attitude. STAY AWAY FROM...