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  1. Marius

    Who's Looking for Sex?

    Has anyone ever had success in pre determining the sex of a plant by covering one leaf or branch to give the 12/12 cycle? I have read about this procedure, just wondering if anyone has actualy done it. I have a rather large outdoor plant and I'd like to flower but a cover that big may be a...
  2. Marius

    Lost for words

    Lookin ok?
  3. Marius

    Outdoor Aussie Girls!

    Hi everyone! I'm just showing off my babies that are in their first week of flowering! I have grown them outdoors in the Aussie summer but have managed to put them into 12/12 for two weeks just using a bit of timber laying around. For those of you that think it's too sus to grow, just bend...
  4. Marius


    My few plants are looking quite thick now, thanks to all the mods I've made from reading all the post here. I am growing outdoor though I have been able to give my girls 12/12 for about a week now. The crowns that I have moulded using tiedowns and paperclips are getting rather dense and I...
  5. Marius

    Preflowers, How Long Do They Stay For?

    Most of my outdoor plants are showing signs of preflowers though I can't yet see any of the indicators that I have seen pics of here. I can clearly see the pistils? The long straight sections that grow, though no tiny hairs or balls of any type, even when magnified. I've attached some pics...
  6. Marius

    Too much or too little?

    Has anyone seen this condition before? I have 4 plants all outdoors that have an increasing amoutn of curly purplish leaves, some turn yellow some are just a different green. I first thought Phosphurous but that hasn't helped. Perhaps I should change the soil? I have a high percentage of cow...
  7. Marius

    Artificial Night time

    Does anyone have any suggestions on what type of material I should use to induce flowering on my outdoor babies? It seems that the cover must allow very little light through, though I still need to maintain air flow. Plastic would not allow enough airflow though would black cotton material...