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  1. S

    Fungus on my WW autos. Start again?

    Well for those of you that have been either A, following my journal or B, assisting with this monumental screw up of a grow... Just noticed these little bastards growin out the bottom of 2 of the 4 pots, these are just a couple of them... Most drainage holes had these growing out. Should I just...
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    Are white widow autos harder to grow or something?

    Well if you've read my latest journal you'll know the issues I've been having. I just re read my first grow and compared my latest 26 day old ww's against my 4 week old Shivas and I'm just gob smacked how small these WW are after this time period. I'm guilty... I overwatered, think the soil mix...
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    22 days from planting and recovering

    So these are my plants 22 days from planting and after stunting growth with overwatering I'd say they are drying out. The last two nights they've been covered in clear plastic bags (I was advised by someone on here to try this) to increase humidity. It didn't seem to do them any harm. This...
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    17 day epic disappointment

    What can I say... Stunted growth on my white widow autos. My first time with autos and can't help but thing I've got something drastically wrong.... Check my journal if interested in the history of these plants but tbh, they've just grown so slowly...
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    White widow auto fem advice needed

    Hey all... 12 days since planting my auto white widow fems from pickandmixseeds and I'm concerned about their size. On advice I planted them in their final pots to avoid transplanting but am concerned about their growth rate. See my journal for pics and description of set up, history of the...
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    Thoughts on my newb setup

    Hey all, would appreciate your thoughts on the setup I have for my autoflowering white widow plants. Also your thoughts on how the seedlings are looking after 5 days since planting. The images and description is on my journal here: Many thanks )shiva(
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    What light cycle is best for yield on this strain?

    Hey all, It's nearly one week since Planting my auto white widows, and so far as the lights aren't massively powerful (1 x 200W envirolite blue spectrum and 1 x 300W dual cfl), I've been running them 24 hours. Just wondered what your thoughts are on running 24 compares to 18/6, 12/12, not...
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    Should I plant them yet???

    Hey all, All 4 of my new seeds have germinated and each has a root tail of about an inch now... Should I plant them in moist soil and get them under light now, or should I wait until first leaves are present?
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    White widow autoflowering advice

    Hey all, Just looking for any useful advice on my new autoflowering white widow feminised grow as have never grown autoflowering before. For the record, I'll be starting germination today. My grow room is ready and I will hopefully be growing 4 plants. I have 2x200w envirolites and a fan...
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    Germination techniques

    Hey all, my new auto flowering feminised white widow seeds have arrived and I just wondered what other ppl did to germinate their seeds? Previously I've used the 2 pieces of tissue technique which worked but with my grow room set up and ready and with them being auto flowering was keen to get...
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    Newb lighting question on auto seeds

    Hey all, This may sound like a really naive question as I've never grown with auto flowering seed before. Can you grow these still with 2 separate lighting setups. I.e, blue spectrum for veg and swap to red when flowering starts? Or do you need to buy specific lighting with both spectrums in...
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    Seed purchase advice

    Hi all, Been a while since i did my last grow but had success with growing Shiva. I'm interested in purchasing seeds but am sceptical about purchasing them on card over the internet. Also, i'd like a low odour strain as I have some nosy neighbours. I know there are ways of reducing smell so...
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    OK, what can i say. My bulbs have blown... So now what do i do in the short term? I was 2 weeks into flowering, white pistels showing on plant now i have no light until the new one arrives in hopefully a few days. Is putting it out into the natural sunshine and keeping the 12/12 cycle...
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    Hope someone can help. I'd like to try supercropping my just flowering shiva plants... i can see all the bud sites but my light is limited to one 200W envirolite. I got good buds last grow but want to make them better and denser. If i snip all the main larger 9 and 7 leaf leaves off to reveal...
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    My Second Grow

    Hi guys... Well, pleased to say I've only decided to start this journal at the point of switching to 12/12. This is a pic of my two new lovely plants which I've been very pleased with throughout their entire vegetative growth and now started the bud process. Tried a slightly different brand...
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    I'm one week into flowering and my plants leaves (both of them) have gone all droopy... any ideas from the pics what it could be? mogie, i have checked a ton of links on this site already before you post them to me! I'm just looking for personal expertise from anyone who has seen something...
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    s.o.h. failure?

    So what jobsworth gave me minus rep points for my post in the thread below? Someone needs to get a life and stop being so serious!!! You man enough to own up? Doubt it...
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    potential problem.

    Hi guys, My larger plant which is now nearly 5 weeks old and stands nearly 9" tall is doing really well, however, some of the lower larger leaves have started to turn yellow in certain places, just little dots of yellow on some and some entire leaves looking paler at edges. I started to add...
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    clipping back...?

    at what stage should i need to clip my plants? they are only small at the moment anbutd getting quite bushy underneath... do i need to prune them in order to give more life to the rest of the plant? If so, what do i do and where do i clip? typical newbie question no doubt but i am a first...
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    Over/Underwatering? HELP!

    Hi Guys, Tips of my 17 day old plant are turning brown. Not all leaves just about 3 at the moment but any ideas what it can be... I've only recently added nutes (the last time i watered) and i'm using a moisture wand to guide me as to when to water.... I'm waiting until they are nearly...