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  1. N

    Smoking Hash Oil?

    Hello everyone! I have made some hash oil using the ISO method and I was wondering if it is supposed to make smoke or a vapor when smoked? I put mine on a matchstick and lit it over my bong and tried to rip it but it just bubbles. Is this normal?
  2. N

    Buds crispy dry after only 2 days! Problem?

    Hello everyone. I hung my buds out to dry on Monday night, about 48 hours ago exactly, in my grow box with around 68 degree temps and 40% humidity. Today, I checked and my buds are crispy! However, the stems bend and crease but don't snap. The buds actually look pretty dry all the way through...
  3. N

    EasyRyder week 9 w/ Pics

    Re-post Sorry! Here is orignal
  4. N

    EasyRyder week 9 w/ Pics

    So, this is under a 150 watt HPS and nothing else. Using GH 3 pack nutrients for my DWC. The plants are only in a 32 qt. reservoir filled with 4 gallons of nutrient solution. A 55 gallon airpump is used to aerate the water. Anyway, down to business. These are 2 joint doctors Easy Ryder and one...